Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Nutrició Humana i DietèticaFacultat de Farmàcia Logo del portal

Does the field of nutrition and human health draw your attention?

This is a Degree which trains qualified professionals for the development of activities oriented to people’s diet and nutrition in several physiological and/or pathological situation, following the principles of health protection and promotion  and the  prevention of illnesses.

Based on these studies, the dietitian-nutritionist will be a qualified and legally-recognised person to advise on a good  nutrition to people and collectives, as well as to define a dietetic-nutritional treatment when necessary.

If you are interested in:

  • knowing the basis of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • knowing the functions of nutrients and the composition and proprieties of food. 
  • understanding the implications of nutrition for human health.
  • intervening in food quality and security
  • intervening in the organization, management and implementation of different nutrition modalities both at a community level and at hospitals and ambulatories  
  • assessing in the development, commercialisation, labelling, communication and marketing of food products

If you are motivated by:

  • knowing food habits and proposing the ideal diet for each person according to their physiological state-
  • collaborating with other professionals in the health and welfare scope
  • participating in activities to promote health and prevent disorders and illnesses related to nutrition and ways of life.

And you have:

  • skills for social relations and teamwork
  • ability for synthesing
  • interest for the scientific bases that explain the implicated processes in the food chain
  • you are willing toworkin the lab

You have the appropriate profile to study the Degree in Food Science and Technology