Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Nutrició Humana i DietèticaFacultat de Farmàcia Logo del portal

What is our students’ opinion?

Almost all students are satisfied with their choice and would recommend it to other colleagues, also they highlight the quality of the teaching staff and the facilities of the centre.

What’s graduate holders’ opinion?

As well as valuing the acquisition of several competencies positively during their Degree studies, they also highlighted- with a high assessment in the survey- the external work placements offered by the centre as well as their Degree Final Project. Regarding the first one, they where very satisfied with the  wide diversity of centres to choose from as well  as the input it turned out to be for their training.  Regarding the Degree Final Project, the tutor’s labour  was positively valued by the students, as well as the topic chosen for the project (result of a wide offer of titles related to all areas of knowledge implied in the Degree’s teaching).