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Students promoting blood donation
Promote blood donation at the UV. Sign up!

The deadline to participate in the blood donation awareness campaign organised every year by the Universitat de València is now open. This initiative invites students to collaborate by informing the university community of the importance of donating blood, a gesture that does not involve any risk and can save the lives of many people.

Registration is free of charge, places are limited and will be allocated in order of registration by campus. Students who successfully complete all phases of the activity (training, Promotion Week and Donation Day) will be awarded 1 ECTS credit.

It is worth remembering that, apart from this promotional action, throughout the year the Transfusion Centre of the Valencian Community visits the campuses of the Universitat de València at different times of the academic year to facilitate blood donation by the university community.


Date From 1 december 2022 to 8 february 2023. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

Information and Promotion Service (Sedi).



Contact donaciosang@uv.es

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