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How to register for the examinations:

You must register for the specific phase of the examinations in the school where you completed your studies in the Valencian Community. If it is private and does not teach upper secondary school courses you can register at the public school with which it is affiliated for administrative purposes. These schools will send the affiliated university a certified list with the names of students who wish to take the specific phase of the university entrance examinations. This list states a maximum of four subjects chosen in the last year of upper secondary school to be examined in as well as the cumulative average mark of your studies.

If you have not completed all your studies during the academic year due to lack of practical training in the workplace, and in its case, the project module, you may register for the specific phase of the university entrance examinations of that academic year, in accordance with Article 3 or the Order EDU/3242/2010, of 9 December. To do this, the procedure described in the previous paragraph is to be followed, leaving blank the section regarding your cumulative average mark in the certified list that is to be sent to the university.

If you have completed your studies outside the Valencian Community you must register directly in the student services centre of a public university in the Valencian Community, except if you reside in the Valencian Community in which case you must register at the closest public secondary school. In both cases, your official academic transcript showing completion of studies and your cumulative average mark should be attached.