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Premis Univesitat de València d'Escriptura de Creació
Delivery and Presentation of the Universitat de València Creative Writing Awards.

Thursday, December 19, 2019, at 6 p.m., the Cultural Centre La Nau will host the presentation of the works awarded at the 16th edition of the Universitat de València Creative Writing Awards. The contest, to which 187 works have been presented in this edition, has awarded Simetria imperfecta, by Carles Llopis, in the category of poetry in Valencian; Casi azul, by María Wieden, in Spanish poetry; De quan fórem estrelles i coets, by J. Àngel Cano, in short narrative in Valencian; requilorio, by Fatima Mañas, in short narrative in Spanish; De Vino y Sefué. Reflejo de un universo no tan paralelo by Alexandre Tomàs, in theater, and  El Alto by Sergio Iván Martínez, in the form of a short film script.

The Universitat de València Creative Writing Awards are organized by the Student Council Branch and the Information and Promotion Service for Students (Sedi), in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport, the Performing Arts Club (Aula d’Arts Escèniques), the Cinema Club (Aula de Cinema), the Literature Club (Aula de Literatura), Edicions 96 and the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication.


Date 19 december 2019 at 18:00 to 19:30. Thursday.


Cultural Centre La Nau Carrer de la Universitat 2.

Organized by

Student Council Branch and the Information and Promotion Service for Students (Sedi).




Contact dinamitzacio@uv.es

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