Logo UVDegree in SociologyFaculty of Social Sciences Logo del portal

  • CE1: Know and identify the principles of action and master plans of corporate social responsibility that allow the implementation of strategies aimed at improving confidence in the company, the relations with its environment, its image, its legitimacy and its social prestige.
  • CE2: Reinforce the importance of liquidity management as a key element in the normal development of a company's financial activity and be able to establish the optimum level of the firm's treasury.
  • CE3: Audit or define the values of an organisation and determine the mission and vision of an organisation accordingly.
  • CE4: Assess the direction and intensity of the possible impacts of change in the environmental factors on a company’s activity and future results.
  • CE5: Integrate the company into its socio-economic and competitive environment according to threats and opportunities.
  • CE6: Analyse and assess the functional areas of the company with the aim of understanding its current and potential strengths and weaknesses as a support for decision making.
  • CE7: Integrate the different functional areas of the company (marketing, finance, human resources, operations) in a synergistic way.
  • CE8: Evaluate the economic, technological, legal, fiscal and sociocultural framework in which a company develops its activity.
  • CE9: Give a reasoned definition of the objectives of a company.
  • CE10: Formulate the corporate strategy of a given company, as well as the competitive and functional strategies deriving from it.
  • CE11: Apply creativity, knowledge and rigour to evaluate competitive strategies.
  • CE12: Implement and control the company's strategy at its different levels, including the design of the company's organisational structure in accordance with its contingency factors.
  • CE13: Formulate proposals for improving the company's strategy at its different levels as a result of a process of review and control.
  • CE14: Develop entrepreneurial spirit and skills related to the management of change and innovation, in order to stimulate multifunctionality, diversity and the introduction of novelties in organisations.
  • CE15: Produce the financial statements of the company based on the internal analysis, on the needs of users and on applicable regulations, interpret them and acquire the ability to make strategic and operative decisions on the basis of these analyses.
  • CE16: Rationalise cost and optimise business profitability from the basis of management accounting.
  • CE17: Anticipate, evaluate and select financing options and investment projects in a contingent way and plan, organise and control the implementation of the latter.
  • CE18: Analyse different quantitative methods to solve problems in situations of uncertainty and specify the strategies to improve the company’s overall performance and get ahead of competitors.
  • CE19: Compare the solutions found for complex problems of company management, examine the most suitable method for decision making both at the tactical and the strategic level, and give the reasons for selecting this method.
  • CE20: Determine the most appropriate leadership model for achieving the objectives of the company, and know how to guide and motivate the effort of the members of the organisation and encourage their participation.
  • CE21: Initiate, promote and develop teamwork and interactions among people.
  • CE22: Act assertively in negotiations, being able to apply mediation skills in the management of the organisation.
  • CE23: Structure the corporate and competitive strategies of the company, integrated within the functional strategies, according to the principles and methods of the main management systems.
  • CE24: Combine the main perspectives on and approaches to quality management and recognise and understand the opportunity to apply ISO and EFQM models.
  • CE25: Organise and plan the activities of a marketing department in the business environment and in coordination with the other functional areas of the organisation.
  • CE26: Manage the processes in the distribution channel efficiently and make decisions in the field of integral logistics.
  • CE27: Integrate the international dimension of the economic activity into the business strategy.