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Convocatoria MOOC i OCW
Call for MOOC and OCW

Call of the Vice-Rectorate of Employment and Training Programmes, for the development of projects to create teaching material MOOC and OCW.

This call aims to systematically develop our investment in the dissemination of knowledge, both through the publication of teaching material belonging to subjects of the UVEG degrees, and especially through a strong drive for online training, mainly through MOOC courses, but also in other more specific modalities and adaptable to the needs of our university and the cultural context of Valencian society.

Since 2008, the Universitat de València has made a firm commitment to the publication of educational material in digital and open format, which took the form of several calls for Open Course Ware (OCW) between 2008 and 2016, and two calls for Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC), 2016.

The Open Course Ware (ocw.uv.es) of the Universitat de València is a repository of open-access teaching materials corresponding to subjects from the current UV curricula. MOOC courses are distance learning courses based on open, free and online access to knowledge, and aim to reach as many users as possible, with a participative and collaborative methodology. The Universitat de València considers it a priority and strategic to participate in this initiative, and therefore proposes the design of a series of actions, grants and incentives to promote the creation and development of quality MOOC.

Applications will preferably be processed via the ENTREU platform.



Date From 17 april 2019 to 13 may 2019. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa (SFPIE).



Contact udie@uv.es

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