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Asignatura de Relaciones de Género
Subject: Gender Relations (6 ECTS credits). Open Enrolment.

Aimed at any Degree student, regardless of the year they are enrolled in and the centre where they are studying, they can enrol in the subject of Gender Relations.

Link for the enrolment: http://links.uv.es/w2e0IP8

In order to specifically adapt the content to the various branches of knowledge, four subjects will be taught:

-Gender relations, health and society (6 ECTS credits) for Health Sciences degrees, except Pharmacy.

-Gender relations, thought, history and society (6 ECTS credits) for degrees in the Arts and Humanities, as well as Teacher Training, Pedagogy and Social Education.

-Gender relations, politics, citizenship and society (6 ECTS credits) for Social Sciences and Law degrees, except for Teacher Training, Pedagogy and Social Education.

-Gender relations, science, technology and society (6 ECTS credits) for degrees in the fields of Science and Engineering, Architecture, as well as Pharmacy.

They all share common basic training subjects, but also incorporate specific content appropriate to the different branches.

More information: https://www.uv.es/uvweb/institut-universitari-estudis-dona/ca/docencia/grau/assignatures-actuals-relacions-genere-1285943356446.html



Date From 13 september 2022 to 30 january 2023. 24h. Every day.


Classroom pending assignment

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UV’s University Institute of Women Studies

University Culture Service.



Contact cursosextensio@uv.es

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