Calender for implementation and phasing out
The updated curriculum for the undergraduate degree in Telematics Engineering will take effect in the 2010-2011 academic year and will gradually be introduced. According to Article 11.3 of the Royal Decree 1497/1987, of 27 November, the curriculum will be phased out for the official 3-year degree in Telecommunications with a specialty in Telematics, as published in the RD 1454/1991, of 30 August, the Official State Gazette (BOE) of 12 October 1991, amended by the RD 50/1995, of 20 January, the Official State Gazette of 4 February 1995. As indicated, the four years which comprise the undergraduate degree will gradually be introduced: the 1st year in 2010-2011, the 2nd year in 2011-2012, the 3rd year in 2012-2013 and the 4th year in 2013-2014.