Logo UVDegree in traslationFaculty of philology,Faculty of philology Logo del portal

  • 16403: Know the grammar and develop communicative skills in a foreign language, applied to translation and linguistic mediation, at a B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (language C).
  • 16402: Compare and analyse the constituents of one's own language with those of other languages, in order to apply them to translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16401: Know the currents and methodologies of literary theory and criticism in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 17532: Interrelate different areas of humanistic studies.
  • 16400: Know the currents and methodologies of literary theory and criticism in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16399: Know and apply currents and methodologies of linguistics in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16153: Know the fundamentals of the Latin language and classical culture through its texts, applied to translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16152: Know the grammar and develop communicative skills in Catalan, applied to translation and linguistic mediation, at a C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
  • 16151: Know the grammar and develop communicative skills in Spanish, applied to translation and linguistic mediation, at a C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
  • 16150: Know the professional field of translation and linguistic mediation, its deontological codes and quality assessment.
  • 16149: Know legal and administrative institutions from at least two cultural fields.
  • 16148: Know socio-political and economic institutions in at least two cultural fields.
  • 16147: Know, use and create terminological databases and lexicographic tools that are significant for translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16146: Master documentation techniques for translation and linguistic and cultural mediation.
  • 16145: Master new information and communication technologies applied to translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16144: Have competence in direct and/or reverse interpreting of general texts.
  • 16143: Know the main translation techniques and standards in their socio-cultural context.
  • 16142: Have translation competence (direct and/or reverse) for specialised texts (in various subject areas).
  • 16141: Have translation competence (direct and/or reverse) for general texts.
  • 16140: Have and apply general knowledge in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16139: Have and apply general knowledge in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16138: Conocer la gramática y desarrollar las competencias comunicativas en lengua(s) extranjera(s), aplicadas a la traducción y mediación interlingüística, hasta alcanzar un nivel de competencias comunicativas C1 consolidado y umbral C2, según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER) (lenguas B).
  • 17800: Adapt to different work environments in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 17799: Work and learn autonomously and plan and manage work time in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 17798: Work as a team in the environment of translation and linguistic mediation and develop interpersonal relations.