The European policy on Cooperation to the Development operates, generally, in a decentralised manner, through the specific calls of each one of the EU delegations in third countries.

With over 82 billion euros for the 2014-2020 period, the European Union with the 28 member States is the actor that most official aid provides to the development on a global level. Mainly, the financing of the EU to third developing countries is carried out through two ways: the European Development Fund (for the countries in Africa, Caribbean islands and the Pacific) and the thematic and regional programmes integrated in the general EU budget.

For the 2014-2020 period, the EU has established the following financing instruments for the international cooperation and aid:

  1. Thematic financing programmes: the European Instrument for Democracy  and Human Rights, the Instrument for Stability , the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation.
  2. Geographical financing programmes: the Instrument for Development Cooperation (mainly countries of Latin America, Asia, Middle East and Southern Africa), the Instrument for Aid to the Pre-Accession (for potential candidates to the European Union), the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (for the countries of the southern Mediterranean basin and for the neighbouring countries in Eastern Europe).

From the Unit for Guidance and Training of European Programmes [FORMAEUROPA] of the Universitat de València - General Foundation, we offer the training services through the specialised courses of European projects for development cooperation, and of individual advice for the best formulation of its European project.