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Colección: Antonio Lecha-Marzo: ciencia, medicina y ley a los inicios del s. XX
Antonio Lecha-Marzo collection: science, medicine and law at the beginning of the 20th century

Exhibition with the occasion of the archive donation of Antonio Lecha-Marzo at the Vicent Peset Llorca Library of the Institute López Piñero for the History of Medicine and Science.

Exhibition: From January 10th to April 10th 2018, first floor at Palau de Cerveró.

At the end of March 2017, we received from his heirs the donation of the library of Antonio Lecha-Marzo, legist doctor and professor of Legal Medicine of the University of Seville. The donation consists of around 2000 volumes, mostly of his speciality, and documents and materials from his archive. It stands out the correspondence he received from Spanish doctors and researchers, European – especially Italian, Belgian, Portuguese and French – and Latin Americans such as Juan Vucetich. In total, there are almost 500 different documents, most of them previously published in European medical specialised press.

The exhibition organised by Mabel Fuentes, student of the master in History of Science and Scientific Communication, is organised in sections that present four aspects of the activity of Lecha-Marzo: the performing of autopsies with legal medical purposes, the correspondence with a large number of relevant personalities of his time – including several postal cards with his microchemical preparation and his relation with the studies of criminology of that time, with works by Cesare Lombroso and Adolphe Bertillon – and his participation as an expert in the resolution of the crime in the Cuesta de Rosario Street, in Seville, the most famous case in which he participated. All the books, manuscripts and objects come from the Vicent Peset Llorca Library and from the scientific-medical collection of the Universitat de València, part of the Institute López Piñero for the History of Medicine and Science.

We appreciate the generosity and support provided by Lecha-Marzo’s family for the relocation and cataloguing and particularly to Carmen de Meer Lecha-Marzo, author of one of the best studies about this collection.

José Ramón Bertomeu

IHMC “López Piñero” Director


ScheduleFrom 10 january 2018 to 10 april 2018. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 20:00.


Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y la Ciencia "López Piñero".

Organized by

IHMC "López Piñero".

