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Crònica de la Facultat de Medicina de València (1866-1946). Discurs de recepció de l'acadèmic electe prof. Rafael Campos Fillol (1855)
On 1948, the Professor Dr Rafael Campos Fillol read the acceptance speech of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Valencia. Its full title is Crónica de la Facultad de Medicina de Valencia (1866-1946) (Chronicle of the Faculty of Medicine of Valencia). Eighty years of existence of a Faculty. Notes on the History of Medicine of Valencia. The reply speech was given by the Full Member Dr José Martí Mateu. This was published a few years later, in 1955.
A Charles R. Darwin en el primer centenari del seu naixement. Acadèmia Medicoescolar de l'Institut Mèdic Valencià. Tribuna Mèdica, València, February 1909
On the summer of 1908, when the student of medicine Salvador Monmeneu Jorro read the Descent of Man, he realized that in February of the following year will take place the centenary of the birth of his author, Charles Darwin. When the course started in autumn proposed to his colleagues to organise some commemorative event of the important anniversary.
"Clàssics Espanyols de la Medicina i la Ciència" Collection
La Historia de la medicina española (The History of Spanish Medicine) , by Hernández Morejón and Chinchilla. Facsimile edition and indexes. José L. Fresquet, María Luz López, Carla Aguirre (publishers), Valencia, History of Science and Documentation Institute, 2006.
"León Sánchez Quintanar" Collection 
The "Biblioteca Médica Hispano-Lusitana", by León Sánchez Quintanar, volumes manuscripts 1 and 2 (A-L), by Juan Micó Navarro and José L. Fresquet Febrer. València, Institut d'Història de la Ciència i Documentació, 2007.
The "Biblioteca Médica Hispano-Lusitana", de León Sánchez Quintanar, volumes manuscripts 3 and 4 (M-Z), by Juan Micó Navarro and José L. Fresquet Febrer, València, Institut d'Història de la Ciència i Documentació, 2008. 
Valencian Medical Institute
Estatuts de l'Institut Mèdic Valencià (Statutes of the Valencian Medical Institute) 
Annals de l'Institut Mèdic Valencià (Annals of the Valencian Medical Instiute) 
Actes de l'Institut Mèdic Valencià (Proceedings of the Valencian Medical Institute) 
Butlletí de l'Institut Mèdic Valencià (1841-1896). José L. Fresquet i Salvador Lledó (editors). Valencian Medical Institute-University of Valencia-CSIC, 2006. In DVD.
Works and studies on Mateu Orfila i Rotger (1787-1853)
In collaboration with the Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Médecine of Paris has developed a repertoire of the publications of this famous toxicologist, along with a digital version of the most part of them, including some publication and translations to several languages.
Science. Revista hispano-americana de ciencias puras y aplicadas (1940-1975)
Journal published in Mexico since the beginning of the exile until Franco’s death and that served as a sign of identity of the Republican scientific community in exile.