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Commission on the History of Chemistry and the Molecular Sciences

  • May 16th, 2023

The Commission on the History of Chemistry and the Molecular Sciences is hosting a new series of online roundtables (in partnership with AD HOC) with the aim of starting a conversation on the past, present and future of the discipline. How do historians of the chemical sciences select their objects of inquiry and what are the tools and methods they use to study the past? How have they seen their specific areas of study evolve among other examinations of scientific endeavours and how do they view the future of the field? We will be asking these and other questions in the form of informal conversations between speakers and the audience. 

The first meeting will take place on 17 May at 9-10 am Eastern Time/3-4pm Central European Time. We will discuss different methods and approaches to the history of chemistry, broadly construed, with the help of the following speakers: 

  • Donna Bilak (Goldsmith and historian, New York University & 12 Keys Design)
  • Hasok Chang (Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge)
  • Sofiya Kamalova (PhD student, López Piñero Institute for the History of Medicine and Science, University of Valencia)

Please register here to receive the Zoom link. 

The next meetings are planned for 1 June, 15 June and 29 June. More information can be found on the Jargonium website (and soon on the CHCMS site as well). Apologies for crossposting.