Universitat de ValènciaUniversity Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BIOTECMED) Logo del portal

The Neurobiology unit of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine of the Universitat de València has as its main objective the study of structural plasticity, especially of inhibitory circuits, in the central nervous system. We approach this objective from a multidisciplinary perspective, using cellular and molecular biology tools to study this plasticity under control conditions and in response to adverse experiences. We are particularly interested in the impact of adversity, especially in the early stages of life and its implication in the development of psychiatric disorders such as depression or schizophrenia. We address these studies in both animal models and human brain samples. In addition to studying changes in molecules associated with inhibitory neurotransmission, we are also very interested in molecules associated with this plasticity, mainly adhesion molecules and those related to the extracellular matrix. Our unit is associated with the G23 group of CIBERSAM (https://www.cibersam.es/groups/grupo-de-investigacion?id=14586) and the INCLIVA Clinical Institute (https://www.incliva.es/investigacion/ areas / metabolism / research-group-in-psychiatry-and-neurodegenerative-diseases). More information: http://www.nacherlab.com