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Immerse yourself in the virtual reality of the hang-gliding and the Visionarium on Saturday, May 11th at Expociencia

  • April 29th, 2024
Image de la noticia

This year's edition of Expociencia, the University of Valencia Science Park's open day dedicated to science and innovation, will be held on Saturday, May 11th. The research institute will participate with the activities of hang-gliding and the immersive 3D experience of the Visionarium.

The hang-gliding simulator, located on the ground floor of the ETSE-UV, will show the most beautiful corners of the province of Valencia from the heights. Those attending the activity will have the opportunity to virtually tour their region from the sky.

As for the immersive 3D experience that awaits in one of the interactive projection rooms of the IRTIC, it will present part of one of the projects developed from the University of Valencia in which its users will take a trip back in time to participate in one of the greatest clashes between science and religion in the history of mankind. The application is part of a complete experience that can be found at the Museu de les Ciències de València.

Both activities will be free of charge and open to the general public from 10 to 14 hours. Find all the proposals on the map!