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IRTIC participates in the implementation of the electronic invoice in the area of public health in Europe

  • January 13th, 2017

The University Institute for Research in Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC) participates in the GOVeIN project, aimed at facilitating the implementation of electronic invoicing in the public health sector in Europe. Funded by the European program "Connect Europe", the project involves different public and private entities.

The LISITT research group of the University Institute for Research in Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC), Universitat de València, participates directly in the GOVeIN project to facilitate the implementation of electronic invoicing in the sector of Public Health in Europe.

Funded by the European "Connect Europe" program, the project aims to develop a European system to ensure interoperability between Member States and facilitate cross-border procurement and e-commerce. The initiative contributes to the development of the European market by providing benefits ranging from cost savings and increased efficiency to the direct feeding of accounting systems.

Specifically, LISITT participates in the activity related to the resolutions of technical and legal obstacles to the implementation of European electronic invoicing interoperability.

The project, which has a duration of thirteen months, has a total budget of 1.1 million euros and brings together the main actors related to the cross-border exchange of electronic invoices in the area of ​​public health, including hospital providers And laboratories.

The consortium in charge of carrying out this project is made up of 19 organizations from 9 countries. Led by Edicom (Spain) with the support of European Management Consulting- EMC (Spain), this consortium works on the implementation of the pilot project for the exchange of electronic invoices with public administrations, according to the semantic interoperability specifications established In Directive 2014/55 of the European Parliament and of the European Council on electronic invoicing in public procurement.

In addition to the Universitat de València, the project involves different public and private entities: Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UK), London North West Healthcare NHS Trust (UK), Instytut Kardiologii im. Prymasa Tysiaclecia Stefan, Kardynala Wyszynskiego (Poland), Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (Netherlands), Center Hospitalier Intercom Compiegne Noyon (France), Center Hospitalier Alpes-Isère (France), Abbott Laboratories SA (Spain), Werfenlife UK. Ltd. (United Kingdom), Teleflex Medical Europe Ltd (Ireland), Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain), Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), Universitat de Valencia (Spain), Universitè della Calabria Timisoara (Romania), Budapesti Muszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (Hungary) and Leading Management Technology (Spain).


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