Updated version November 2017 (here)
The backhoe is one of the most versatile machines in the areas of construction and road works, in what refers to earthworks and material moving. Designed to meet the highest demands in safety and above all the life of the machine.
While it is common to see a backhoe developing work in different tasks, it is natural to ask, for example, the cost of the machine, its main features, performance etc.
Therefore, since we have the opportunity to follow closely a machine used in construction we focus directly on the backhoe.
Characteristics of the simulator
New characteristics in version 1.1.95
- Addition of new views for operator and instructor
- Scenery with bumpmapping effects in some elements.
- Model multitexturing terrain, incorporating different levels of
color depending on the terrain's depth.
- Improvements in scenery lighting and avatars.
- New texture of wet ground when it rains.
- 3D model of backhoe with improved crystals.
- Configuring an external view displays by default.
- Improved HUD.
- Improved speed control and braking.
- Language selection.
Our simulator backhoe is one of our youngest and most innovative projects in which we have invested many efforts to meet the highest expectations.
We improve your skills
LSyM presents its Backhoe Advanced Simulator. For its development we have used the most advanced techniques in 3D graphics applications, turning the potential of one of the most powerful and extended graphics engines.
A Solution of Real Immersion.
Building an immersive environment based on “Virtual Reality” techniques similar to real environment daily working on a backhoe vehicle.
Simulation environment of civil work.
In the simulation environment we can find the elements which are present in a real building work. Operators during simulation can interact with them directly or indirectly.
- Backhoe: it is the vehicle which will develop all the exercises. It features a sturdy design of boom and dipperstick section, which is also narrow, so visibility is excellent all along the boom to the bucket, regardeless the depth at which they dig.
- Cabin: The backhoes cabin has round visibility, all controls are ergonomically positioned and interior noise level is very low in the cabin.
- Trucks: for some exercises that require loading and unloading from the backhoe to the truck and vice versa.
- Avatars: in the simulation scenario where the backhoe moves we will find several human operators having the main function to assist in manoeuvres done with the backhoe.
Running Many Types of Real Exercises.
- Excavation
- Preparation of trenches
- Preparation of ramps.
- Modification of slopes.
- Loading trucks
- Pipes and conductions.
- Circulation work.
- Signaller.
- Prior Stabilization
- Loading and unloading at transport platform
Sensors (Advanced and HID)
The events income and analogue signals system of the simulator is made so that it is highly configurable and can be used from gaming devices to high-level electronic boards.
Each client can configure through a simple interface the use of the controls to their liking and according to the type of equipment they use.
Moving platform
The simulator is capable of using a moving platform to simulate sudden movements and accelerations which occur in the real machine.
The main aim is to get the user to perceive a greater sense of realism and immersion in learning. Many times, carrying out exercises with virtual reality simulators, either because of its difficulty and lack of physical responses, can cause demotivation on the user of these simulators.
The simulator is ready to simulate several cranes (of the same or different type) in the same environment at the same time.
This way a single instructor can evaluate two or more operators while they’re controlling a crane.
It is also possible to train the skills of future machine operators to better communicate and improve efficiency when working with others.
Collaborative Grid image (megaproject)
Our simulators offer a multi-language medium. Thanks to the settings panel, you can easily change the language in which the simulator is shown. We currently offer translations into Spanish, English, French and Portuguese, if the language you want is not among the above, please contact us.
Exercises editor
Thanks to the exercises editor, our simulator offers the possibility to create exercises for you. In the editor, you can add elements on stage with which to make practices shortcomings are detected on the student. The created exercise can be saved, so it can be made later by other students.
Our simulators offer the ability of image tracking through compatibility with NaturalPoint’s products. This technology will add another degree of realism to the product and you can change the view point just moving your head.
Automatic Updates
This tool reports the launch of a new version of the simulator. Every time the application starts it connects to the LSyM group’s server and is responsible for searching for a newer version of software, if so, a screen with information about this new version, and a link to the direct download of the new executable is shown.
Groups and users management
The simulator provides instructions for the proper management of users and workgroups. Through the interface you may perform basic tasks such as creating, editing and deleting both users and groups, adapting the use of the simulator to customer needs. It also allows you to view statistics and evaluations of each user in a clear and detailed way.
Exercises evaluation
Every time an exercise is performed on the simulator, the necessary data are stored to proceed with the evaluation of the exercise itself. Users can access this information shown by the exercise report. This report contains outstanding data such as the motions or made remarkable observations and presented to the user using tables and graphs showing in detail each of the evaluated parameters and information of interest such as the completion time of year, number of exercise performed, date, etc.
The possibility to play every exercise that has been done before is among the most beneficial features for training offer by the simulators. This feature is very important when it comes to identifying the faults that are committed as it can be played the exercises and watch the recording from any angle, rewinding or pausing the playback.
In addition, a situation that occurs in the training processes is that students always are prone to make similar mistakes. In our simulators debriefing system an instructor can playback exercises of any student in order to teach new students the mistakes they should avoid.
Weather conditions.
The simulator implements several types of weather situations that may be critical in the real world as could be low visibility for a very cloudy day or at dark night. These conditions are also reflected in the physical operation of the crane, since in rainy and windy days is much more difficult to carry out successfully the exercises.It is easy and fast to implement new types of exercises if necessary for some specification of a particular case.
The screens of the simulators are an important part of it. A wrong setup of the screens can make the user experience not to be utterly immersive when it is running.
Therefore, our simulators provide a very intuitive screens setting interface, easy to configure and designed to the screen system where the simulator is running be fully configurable. You can configure up to 8 screens arranged in any position at any angle. This allows endless possibilities for visual perception of the user who uses our simulator be identical to that perceived in real crane.