Terrain modelling for integrating construction machinery in simulators
For this, we simplify Mohr-Coulomb complex physical models and adapt them for real-time use. We also use advanced terrain rendering methods with quadtrees to represent large terrains with a maximum cell resolution of ten centimetres.
Design and parametrisation of motion generation algorithms
Processing of the forces and accelerations of dynamic models and transformation into movements of a mobile platform. Modelling of the response of a Stewart platform. High-precision sensorisation and measuring of the accelerations perceived in machinery and vehicles.
Design of hybrid washout filters with characteristics of classical, optimal and adaptive filters.
Parametrisation and automatic adjustment of the response of motion filters to real acceleration curves.
Development of simulation-based training systems
Training simulators based on virtual reality. Generation of real-time 3D interactive environments. Integration of instructional designs for maximum benefits.
Sensorisation and modelling of human-machine interaction devices.
Technologies for education and learning using web-based applications. Cooperative simulation in distributed environments (HLA).
Acceleration in scene graph rendering through GPU and distributed systems
Displaying complex models at interactive rates. Real-time lighting and shadowing techniques in large-scale virtual environments. Rendering of shadows using Shadow Mapping and implementation with shaders. Oclussion Culling techniques. Load balancing and optimisation in graph scene rendering. Integration of GPGPU programming in scene graphs. Distributed rendering using clusters and multi-GPU systems.
Systems for the monitoring, control and advanced representation of traffic data
This line of work focuses on studies about the systems for the monitoring of traffic parameters, based on different technologies. Comparative analyses of different systems and technologies, design of new sensors, development of new mobile-based applications for collecting information. Modelling and design of databases of traffic information, standardisation and normalisation. Design and implementation of these applications to optimise travel routes and times. Utilities for the geographic representation of information, Alert-C and TMC coordinates systems and development of GIS applications.
Information Transport Services (ITS) Project Engineering
This line of work focuses on technical assistance in the drafting of projects and project management for the installation of ITS systems in tunnels and roads. Tasks related to the auditing of ITS facilities and systems, such as monitoring, safety and control systems in tunnels, traffic control centres, are also included.
Physics-based animation
This line of work researches different mechanism to reproduce the movements of avatars realistically and in a way where they can interact with the environment. It is focused on hybrid techniques that combine prerecorded and physical animations. This is useful to achieve that different avatars collaborate to perform joint actions such as moving objects. The results are directly applicable to all kinds of video games or graphic simulations that use avatars.