Updated version November 2017 (here)
Forklift Truck Simulator (ForkLift) of LSyM puts you at the controls of one of the most important vehicles of heavy duty industries. The truck is a vehicle poised at the back, which, using two forks, can transport and stack loads usually mounted on platforms or pallets.
It is made for heavy and industrial duty, and it is used in warehouses and self-service stores to transport platforms or pallets with goods and place them in shelves or racks. It holds heavy loads that no group of people could stand by itself, and it saves hours of work because it moves a considerable weight at once instead of dividing the contents of the platforms in parts or sections.
The simulator is currently in development, so it is taking advantage of the latest technologies in the development of virtual reality simulators.
Characteristics of the simulator
Our forklift simulator is a training system for learning all the concepts needed for driving and working with a forklift truck, including the basic management of the device features, the handling of loads and the distribution, the driving in all the possible situations, of danger or emergency, loading and unloading works and other exercises. The Forklift of LSyM is accurate to their real counterparts: with real motorized articulations, mass distribution and the exact arrangement of the controls, such as levers, pedals, etc…
There are no hardware limitations
The software of the simulator allows using any hardware for its integration into the forklift simulator. The choice of hardware is up to the customer, using from a simple personal computer to a specific hardware designed for that purpose.
Different machine types available.
In the simulator you can use both diesel type machine and an electrical type, each one with its own characteristics, such as motors, modelling details, etc. that accurately reproduce the behaviour of real machines. Also you can use a pallet truck with specific exercises for this purpose.
Exercises instructional design
The simulator includes a series of exercises divided into blocks for each one of the machines. This organization aims to improve the student learning experience who must overcome each one of the exercises proposed in the simulator for achieving a proper management of a forklift truck and performing properly the most common manoeuvre like stacking, unstacking, moving loads, etc.
Theoretical module
Forklift simulator has a theoretical part that will serve the student to learn the basic driving rules and the traffic regulations related to the forklift handling. The theoretical part is divided into six different modules and is presented to students in slide show form which can be consulted at any time from the simulator interface through the “Theory” tab.
Sensors (Advanced and HID)
All the system of event inputs and analogue signals of the simulator is done in such a way being highly configurable. It can be used from gaming devices to high-level electronic boards.
Each client can configure, through a simple user interface, the controls to his/her taste and depending on the type of equipment used.
Motion platform
The simulator is capable of using a moving platform to simulate sudden movements and accelerations which occur in the real machine.
The main objective is to get the user to perceive a greater sense of realism and immersion in learning. Many times, the fact of carrying out exercises with virtual reality simulators can cause demotivation in the end user of these simulators maybe because of its difficulty or because of the lack of physical responses.
Our simulators offer multi language support. Thanks to the settings panel, you can easily change the language in which the simulator is displayed. We currently offer translations into Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. If the language you require is not among the above, please contact us.
Exercises editor
Thanks to the exercises editor, our simulator offers the possibility to create exercises to your needs. In the editor, you can add elements on the activity progress where practices on the shortcomings detected in the student can be made. The exercise created can be saved so; other students can do it later.
Our simulators offer the possibility of vision imaging tracking through the compatibility with the naturalpoint products. This technology will add another degree of realism to the product since you can change the view point just moving your head.
Automatic updates
This tool reports the launching of a new version of the simulator. It is connected every time the application to the LSyM server starts and it is responsible for searching for a newer software version, if so, a screen with information about this new version and a link to the direct download of the new executable are displayed.
User and Groups Management
The simulator provides the necessary functions for the proper management of users and workgroups. Through the interface, basics tasks such as creating, editing and deleting both users and groups can be done adapting the simulator use to the customer needs. Also it allows you to view statistics and evaluations of each user in a clear and detailed way.
Evaluation of exercises
Every time an exercise is performed on the simulator, the necessary data are stored to proceed with the evaluation of the exercise itself. Users can access this information shown by an exercise report This report contains important data such as the movements made or the remarkable observations and they are presented to users by charts and graphs showing in detail each one of the evaluated parameters, as well as information of interest such as the time taken to carry out the exercise, number of the exercise done, date, etc.
One of the most beneficial features for the training offered by the simulators consists of being able to reproduce any exercise that has been done before. This feature is very important when trying to identify the mistakes made because the exercises can be played and viewed from any angle, rewinding or pausing the video.
In addition, a situation that occurs in the training processes is that students always tend to make similar mistakes. With the debriefing system of our simulators, an instructor can play exercises of any student in order to teach new students the mistakes they must avoid making.
Atmospheric conditions
The simulator implements several types of weather situations that may be critical in the real world such as low visibility on a very cloudy day or on a dark night. These conditions are also reflected in the physical operation of the crane, making much more difficult to perform successfully the different exercises on rainy and windy days. It should be noted that implementing new types of exercises is easy if necessary for some specification of a particular case.
Simulator screens are a very important part. A bad screen setting can make the user experience, when using the crane, being not as immersive as it should be.
Therefore, our simulators provide a very intuitive interface of screen settings, easy to set up and designed for configuring the screen system where the simulator is executed. Up to 8 screens arranged in any position at any angle can be set. This allows endless possibilities for the user visual perception being this one identical to that perceived in a real crane.