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Defense of the doctoral thesis of Macarena Tortosa Pérez

  • December 20th, 2019
Image de la noticia

On December 20, 2019, the act of defending the doctoral thesis was held at the University Institute for Traffic Research and Road Safety of the University of Valencia (INTRAS): “Internationalization and contemporary positioning of Spanish psychology through Spanish journals. The role of the college of psychologists” directed by Doctors Francisco Tortosa Gil and Francisco Santolaya Ochando.

The tribunal composed by Francisco Alonso Pla (president), Mercedes Novo Pérez (vocal) and Iciar Iruarrizaga Díez (secretary) agreed to grant the rating of "outstanding cum laude".

Dr. Macarena Tortosa Pérez holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia.

He currently works as Researcher at the Research Institute on Traffic and Road Safety of the University of Valencia (INTRAS).