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Publication "Visual health and road safety: It’s time for action!"

  • January 13th, 2021
Image de la noticia

On 13 January 2021 the document "Visual health and road safety: It's time for action!: The implication of vision in traffic accidents and the importance of political action to treat this risk factor", prepared by INTRAS and FESVIAL, was published.

The document summarises the main findings on the importance of vision in road safety, with the aim of continuing to reduce road accidents in Spain and the rest of the world caused by poor visual health.

The conclusions obtained indicate that visual health is an important factor to be taken into account in road safety and that it requires the continuous development of research into night and daytime driving, the promotion of visual health in drivers, as well as an improvement in visual exploration protocols and the creation of actions to raise awareness among all citizens.

The commitment to road safety and the development of initiatives and research of this nature will help to achieve the goal set out in this new decade of action for road safety declared in August 2020 by the United Nations General Assembly.

See publication