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Molina, J.G.; Sanmartín, J.; Keskinen, E. (2013). Driver training interests of a Spanish sample of young drivers and its relationship with their self-assessment skills concerning risky driving behavior. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 52, pp. 118-124. {AR_0082907}. [DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2012.12.035].

Molina, J.G.; Pareja, I.; Sanmartín, J.; (2008). Modeling item banking: Analysis and design of a computerized system. Revista Electrónica de Metodología Aplicada, Vol. 13, Num. 2, pp. 1-14. {AR_046682}. [html] [pdf]

Molina, J.G.; Sanmartín, J.; Keskinen, E.; Sanders, N. (2007). Post-license education for novice drivers: Evaluation of a training programme implemented in Spain. Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 38, Num. 3, pp.357-366. {AR_036357}. [DOI:  10.1016/j.jsr.2006.10.010].

Molina, J.G., Ledesma, R.D., Valero, P.M. y Young, F.W. (2005). A Video Tour through ViSta 6.4, a Visual Statistical System based on Lisp-Stat. Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 13, Num. 8. pp. 1-13. {AR_024936}.

Ledesma, R.D., Molina, J.G.; Young, F.W. (2005). Enhancing Dynamic Graphical Analysis With the Lisp-Stat Language and the ViSta Statistical Program. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, Vol. 37, Num. 4. pp. 684-690. {AR_024937}.

Pastor, G.; Tejero, P.; Chóliz, M.; Chisvert, M.J.; Monteagudo, M.J. (2004). Wertheim's hypothesis on ‘highway hypnosis': empirical evidence from a study on motorway and conventional road driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 36, Num. 6, pp. 1045-1054. {AR_018062}.

Ferrando, P.J.; Lorenzo, U.; Molina, J.G. (2001). An Item Response Theory Analysis of Response Stability in Personality Measurement. Applied Psychological Measurement. Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol. 25, pp. 3-17. {AR_040191}.

Valero, P.M.; Sanmartín, J. (1999). Methods for defining user groups and user-adjusted information structures. Behaviour and Information Technology, Vol. 18, Num. 4, pp. 245-259. {AR_036360}. [Abstract]

Molina, J.G.; Valero, P.M; Sanmartín, J. (1997). Computing sums of products about the mean with pairwise algorithms. Psychological Reports, Vol. 81, Num. 2, pp. 1387-1391. {AR_038380}. [pdf]

Sospedra, M.J.; Molina, J.G. y Meliá, J.L. (1994). A robust method of unidimensional scaling based on ranges. Biometric Bulletin, Vol. 11, Num. 4. {AR_044610}.

Molina, J.G.; Meliá, J.L.; Sanmartín, J. (1993). A Basic Program for calculating scale values using four unidimensional scaling methods in random subsamples. Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 53, pp. 102-105. {AR_022111}. [DOI: 10.1177/0013164493053001010].

Algarabel, S.; Sanmartín, J.; Ahuir, F. (1989). A voice-activated key for the Apple Macintosh computer. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, Vol. 21, Num. 1, pp. 67-72. {AR_008541}.

Algarabel, S.; Ruiz, J. C.; Sanmartín, J. (1988). The University of Valencia's computerized word pool. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, Vol. 20, Num. 4, pp. 398-403. {AR_008536}.

Sanmartin, J. (1987). TREC: A tool kit for programming cognitive experiments in Applesoft BASIC. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, Vol. 19, Num. 5, pp. 467-468. {AR_039704}.