Primary school teachers of Physical Education in Valencia support an increase in the use of ICT in teaching

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • January 2nd, 2019
(From left to right). José Díaz Barahona, Javier Molina García and Manuel Monfort.
(From left to right). José Díaz Barahona, Javier Molina García and Manuel Monfort.

A study of the professors of the Faculty of Teaching of the University of Valencia José Díaz Barahona, Javier Molina García and Manuel Monfort has concluded that primary school teachers of Valencia and their metropolitan area specialised in Physical Education have good aptitudes and interests towards the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom. In addition, these staffs, the younger, the more receptive they are to this practice. The work has been published online in the magazine Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación.

According to the research group, “the results allow us to conclude that the designed electronic questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to study attitudes and interests in ICT, due to the high degree of reliability it offers and its scientific rigor”. In fact, according to the three professors of the Department of Didactics of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression, it is the first validated questionnaire in the educational context to evaluate the attitudes and interests by the communicative technologies of the teaching staff of any level and discipline.

The conclusions of the research show that 90% of the people surveyed believe that these technologies can make students learn more autonomously. In addition, 88.9% of teachers say that they would like to have more ICT resources in the classrooms and 95.9% believe that technology facilitates student learning.

José Díaz-Barahona, Javier Molina García and Manuel Monfort speak in the study of the need to include Information and Communication Technologies in the educational process and the challenges that this implies for teachers. They claim that there is “a digital divide and also that previous studies on this field are scarce and do not have too much scientific rigor”.

Although there are discrepancies in the use of ICT with other subjects and disciplines, this fact disappears in Physical Education, where 80% of the teachers surveyed are in favour of it and 91.7% think that it does not dehumanise learning or worsen the treatment or communication with the student body. However, a minority of teachers expresses concern about the possibility that the use of technology was essential for the teaching of this subject.

Where there is great unanimity is in the interest to improve the digital skills of teachers. The most demanded options are to work and integrate collaborative projects with other colleagues (95.8%), learn to be informed about innovations and professional novelties (98.6%) or promote the autonomy of learning of the students (98.6%).

The study has been applied to a sample of 145 primary school teachers from the city of Valencia and its metropolitan area. Researchers assure that this sample is sufficient and allows to define with greater precision than previous works the profile of the Physical Education faculty and thus analyse more effectively their training and professional updating.

Researchers also suggest that these procedures and electronic instruments can serve to open new research channels, such as knowing what attitudes and interests explain the adoption or rejection of ICT in Physical Education or what personal, cultural and professional elements condition their use.

The article was published in the online version of the magazine Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación in January 2019.



José Díaz-Barahona, Javier Molina-García, Manuel Monfort: «Estudio de las actitudes y el interés de los docentes de primaria de educación física por las TIC en la Comunidad Valenciana» 2019, Retos, 35, 267-272


