The University of Valencia improves 56 places internationally in the Webometrics ranking of the CSIC, of presence inthe Internet, and is third of Spain

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • January 28th, 2021
Rectorate building of the University of Valencia.
Rectorate building of the University of Valencia.

The University of Valencia (UV) has advanced to the third position in Spain from the fourth in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, a classification of the CSIC that values the presence on the web and the visibility of 11,994 institutions. In addition, the UV is first in the Valencian Community and also improves its world and European positions, where it advances 56 and 7 places compared to the same classification in July and January and is placed in positions 161 and 64, respectively.

Of the three indicators, the centre improves in three, especially in openness / transparency, a parameter that measures the number of citations of the main authors of the institution, according to the source Google Scholar Citations, and in which the UV has increased by 32%, as published in a recent update, going from 910,435 to 1,328,885.

The Webometrics ranking is compiled by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and has been published twice a year since 2004, one in late January and the second in late July. Globally, it is led by the universities of Washington, Cornell and Johns Hopkins; EidgenössischerTechnische Hochschule ETH Zürich, Edinburgh and Utrecht in Europe, and by the universities of Barcelona and Autonomous of Barcelona in Spain.

The indicators used by the ranking are impact (50%), which includes the number of external networks that have backlinks to the institution’s website; the presence (5%) or number of pages of the centre’s main web domain. It also analyses the criterion of openness / transparency (10%) or number of citations of major authors according to Google Scholar Citations and excellence (35%), consisting of the number of academic articles published in international journals of high impact.


Access to the Webometrics ranking:

More information Webometrics (UV Analysis and Planning Service):