The University of Valencia improves in the URAP ranking of scientific production, where it is the third Spanish centre and the first Valencian one

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • January 12th, 2022
Burjassot-Paterna campus of the University of Valencia.
Burjassot-Paterna campus of the University of Valencia.

The University of Valencia (UV) is the third Spanish higher education institution, the first Valencian one and improves positions on a European and international scale, according to the latest update of the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP), which measures the quality and quantity of the scientific publications from up to 3,000 universities around the world. Compared to the previous edition (2020-2021), the Valencian centre climbed to 210th place in the world, after advancing 7 positions, while at the European level it climbed one, to 85th.

In addition, the Valencian institution has also improved in the score of 4 of the 6 proposed quality indicators, such as articles, citations, total impact of articles and total document. The main objective of this tool is to develop a ranking system for universities worldwide based on academic results determined by the quality and quantity of academic publications.

At the international level, the ranking is led by Harvard University, the University of Toronto and the University College of London. In Europe, the University College, Oxford and Cambridge are at the top, while in Spain (as in the two previous editions), the University of Valencia is only surpassed by the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

The University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) is a non-profit organisation that was established at the Institute of Informatics of the Middle East Technical University (Turkey) in 2009. The provider of bibliometric data of the ranking is Web of Science-Clarivate Analytics.


URAP ranking:

More information (UV Analysis and Planning Service) about the URAP: