The University of Valencia, third in Spain in number of citations of its scientific publications, with more than half a million

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • April 7th, 2020
Campus of Burjassot-Paterna of the University of Valencia.
Campus of Burjassot-Paterna of the University of Valencia.

The University of Valencia (UV) is the third Spanish university with the highest number of citations received (531,193) for its scientific publications and the fourth in number of published academic articles (papers), according to the InCites Essential Science Indicators ranking, which analyses 6,581 institutions all over the world. By subjects and number of citations, the UV stands out in Agricultural Sciences, in positions 86 in the world and 1 in Spain; and in Physics, 140 global and second in the country.

The Incites Essential Science Indicators database, or InCites, is a compilation of statistical information built with Web of Science data and shows the emerging scientific trends that stand out in each research field. It analyses data from more than twelve million articles in more than 12,000 journals, over 11 years, and classifies authors, institutions, countries, and journals in 22 research fields, based on the performance of publications and citations.

InCites works with six indicators: number of citations, number of articles (Papers), citations per articles, impact articles (Top papers), most cited articles (Highly cited papers) and recent articles (Hot papers). Thus, the University of Valencia, in addition to third in Spain, is the 324 in the world and the first Valencian in number of citations. In the article count, it ranks 301 in the world, fourth in Spain and first in the Region, with 28,092 publications by authors of the institution.

In the Highly cited papers indicator –group of 1% of the most cited articles in a research field– the University is the third in Spain and 305 in the world; and in the hot ones –works published in the last two years and among 0.1% of the best articles in the same field–, the UV is second in Spain and 141 in the world. On the other hand, in impact articles (sum of the hot articles and highly cited articles less those in the two categories), the UV is third in Spain and 303 in the world.

At the state level, the Universitat de València is only outnumbered regarding publications by the universities of Barcelona (UB), Autonomous of Autonomous of Barcelona improve their results. In all InCites indicators, the UV is the first Valencian higher education centre.

In addition, by subjects, the UV especially stands out in Agricultural Sciences, Physics, Pharmacy and Toxicology, Clinical Medicine, Microbiology, Psychiatry/Psychology, Economics/Business and Chemistry. In Agricultural Sciences it is number 86 in the world and 1 in Spain in number of citations; 19 in the world and 1 in Spain in highly cited articles; and 6 worldwide and 1 in Spain in Hot papers. In Physics, the Valencian centre stands out in numbers 140 in the world and 2 in Spain in citations; 161 in the world and 2 in Spain in publications; 157 worldwide and 2 in Spain in Highly cited papers; as well as 37 in the world and 1 in Spain in Hot papers.

In other fields of knowledge, and depending on the type of indicator, the University obtains the following results: Microbiology (68 in the world and 1 in Spain in Hot papers), Psychiatry/Psychology (163 worldwide and 2 in the country in publications), Economics and Business (101 global and 1 at Spanish in publications). Also, in Chemistry, the Valencian institution is the 179 in the world in citations and in publications. In addition, it stands out in Hot papers on Environment and ecology (104 worldwide and 2 in Spain); Materials science (153 in the world and 1 in Spain) and Neuroscience and behaviour (38 in the world and 1 in Spain).

Scimago Ranking

The Scimago-Institutions Rankings (SIR), developed by the SCImago LAB research group, is a resource for evaluating universities and scientific research institutions around the world that analyses the results in one indicator. This combines three groups of parametres for research, innovation and social impact, the latter measured by its visibility on the web.

In this classification, which orders the performance of 3,897 scientific institutions and universities around the world, the UV is the first Valencian higher education centre, the fifth in Spain, number 224 in the world and 97 in Europe. In Spain it is only surpassed by the universities of Barcelona, Autonomous of Barcelona, Complutense of Madrid and Autonomous of Madrid (UAM) and maintains last year’s state position and also the world position, despite the entry of more than 400 new institutions in the ranking compared to 2019.

The SIR ranking, led globally by Harvard and in Europe by the University of Oxford, uses, among others, indicators such as innovative knowledge, technological impact, the number of patents, the size of the web or scientific leadership.


More information:

Incites Ranking:

More information (UV Analysis and Planning Service website):

SCIMAGO Ranking:

More information (UV Analysis and Planning Service website):