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Opening: April 11th at 6:30 pm.

Following that, at 7:00 pm, a talk by María José Alemany (President of DMD-CV): "The Importance of Creating an Advance Directive Document".


The exhibition "Dying with Dignity" showcases the award-winning works from the I Premi de Fotografia "Morir amb Dignitat," an initiative that emerged during the Annual Assembly of the Valencian Federation for the Right to Die with Dignity (DMD) in 2022 and materialized in 2023 with the support of the Vice Chancellorship of Culture and Society at the University of Valencia.


In response to the question "What does dying with dignity mean to you?", over a hundred artists, both national and international, participated in this contest.

The exhibition provides a diverse perspective on interpretations of the crucial theme of dignity at the end of life. The photographs, carefully selected by a jury composed of Mrs. Amanda Cerdà, Dr. Anacleto Ferrer, Dr. Hassan López, Mrs. Eva Máñez, and Mr. Lluís Romero, capture the essence of the theme with originality and unique expression.


The main awards were granted to:


Mrs. Esperanza Labrador Rodríguez for the series "El bon viure, el bon morir."
Mrs. Begoña Cosín Moya for the series "El comiat."
Mr. Javier Arcenillas for the series "Somni, atenció, espai…."


Additionally, honorable mentions were awarded to:


Mr. Francisco J. Domínguez for the series "Aferrada als seus records."
Mr. Luis María Barros Sáenz for the series "Eterna enyorança."
Mr. Mithail Afrige for the series "My life my choice, my death my choice."