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Vista aérea de Alzira
Conference: 'Ethics, Values and Citizenship' (Alzira)

The Vice-rectorate for Territorial Projection and Participation of the University of Valencia and the Department of Social Welfare and Education of the Provincial Council of Valencia have organized the second edition of the "Wellness, Training, Territory" program, consisting of a cycle of conferences that takes place through the Valencian territory.

In this case, the round tables focused on ethics, civic values ​​and citizenship will be coordinated by the Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy, Adela Cortina, and a team of specialist professors from the Universitat de València.

Moral philosophy is focused, at present, especially on the challenges of the so-called "applied ethics". In particular, its task is to provide answers to the questions posed by civil society and institutions. In this case, the answers to complex issues such as:

-The new civic values ​​in the 21st century.

-The approach of civic and civic ethics to solve the problems of coexistence.

Discussion on equality: the social and ethical perspective of functional diversity.

In these days will be informed and discussed about the reflections that are taking place in the field of ethics in relation to the topics indicated. It will be done from a theoretical perspective, but without losing the practical (and interdisciplinary) aspect, since the ultimate goal of ethics is the orientation of the action to gain in moral quality.

The purpose is to contribute to the formation and transfer of knowledge of the local society, in the territorial, community and citizen dimension. They are open to the general public of the town and its immediate surroundings, especially to social, welfare or educational groups.


Date 6 november 2017 at 18:00 to 20:30. Monday.


Archivo Municipal de Alzira (C/ de Salineries, 1)

Organized by

El Área de Bienestar Social y Educación de la Diputación de Valencia y el Vicerrectorado de Participación y Proyección Territorial de la Universitat de València.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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