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Juan Nava, Andreu World and l'Arxiu Valencià del Disseny, ADCV Honorary Awards 2024

  • Arxiu Valencià del Disseny
  • May 15th, 2024
Image de la noticia

The AVD, preserving and disseminating design memory.

The Arxiu Valencià del Disseny (AVD) was created with the aim of collecting, cataloging and preserving all materials related to design in the Valencian Community, digitizing the documentation and facilitating its access, both for professional and research purposes, as well as for dissemination. The AVD is managed by the University of Valencia, through its General Foundation, together with the School of Art and Design of Valencia.

The first funds have come from the donation of professional legacies of designers; the documentation on the projects of the firm Punt Mobles from its foundation until 2012, and the legacies of Martínez Peris, Curvadora Valenciana, Gasisa and La Mediterránea.

It also has 'Arxiu', its own academic journal dedicated to design that collects unpublished research articles.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
