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Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering and Management (University of Castilla-La Mancha). Module on "Integrated Water Management"

Participation in a lecture/seminar on membrane reactors and biological nutrient removal.

Acquisition and analysis of electrical patterns in ventricular tachycardia patients
Advanced chemical analytics

Development of analytical methods for the determination of organic, traditional and emerging pollutants in food and environmental matrices.

Advanced treatments for the removal of heavy metals from wastewater

Treatment by biosorption. Pilot plants and demonstration units. Advice on start-up and operation.

Advice and technical assistance for the characterisation of voltage signals and adaptive synchronisation algorithms

R&D project for company.

Advice and technical assistance for the development of robotic cleaning systems for complex applications

R&D project for company.

Advice and technical assistance in the area of heart rate detection and synchronisation

R&D project for company.

Advice and technical assistance in the design of algorithms for real-time measurement of electricity network parameters

R&D project for company.

Advice and technical assistance in the design of sensor networks and control of capacitive keyboards

R&D project for company.

Advice and technical assistance in the development of electronic control and monitoring systems for printing and labelling processes

R&D project for company.

Advice and technical assistance in the development of monitoring, control and management systems for vehicle washing devices

R&D project for company.

Advice on European law on biomedical issues

Collaboration in the application of European law on biomedical issues.

Advice on Innovation
Advice on design and installation of pilot plant for organic synthesis

Placement in a company for advice on design and installation of pilot plant for organic synthesis.

Advice on environmental policy

Advice on the position to be adopted by the Spanish Delegation in the drafting, implementation, negotiation and application of international and European standards on this subject.

Advice on marine environmental problems in the North-East Atlantic

Preparation of reports at the request of the OSPAR Commission on various environmental issues affecting the North-East Atlantic.

Advice on nutrition, physical activity and physiotherapy

Nutrition, physical activity and physiotherapy applied in physiological and pathological situations.

Advice on the development of immersive projection solutions, both hardware and ad-hoc software for personalised applications, such as marketing, education, medicine, etc.
Advice on the preparation and implementation of water policies

Department of the Valencian government (Generalitat Valenciana) in charge of preparing and implementing water policies.

Advice on the protection of palaeontological heritage
Airborne COV and odour treatment

Selection of treatment technologies. Pilot plants and demonstration units. Advice on start-up and operation.

Analyse the policies and programmes developed

The impact of the policies and programmes developed is analysed in order to propose a strategy for the future.

Analysis and quality control of medicinal and toxic plants
Analysis in Archaeometry and Gemology

Analysis of gemstone inclusions by polycrystalline diffraction.

Analysis of EU productivity
Analysis of co-localization from fluorescence images by using spatio-temporal stochastics models

Modeling fluorescent-tagged images using bi-variate random sets. Applications to the study of the molecular mechanisms in neuron-glia communication.

Analysis of compounds as antiparasitics against T. cruzi and Leishmania spp
Analysis of economic development processes in historical perspective. Institutions, Globalisation and Technological Change
Analysis of economic problems through Experimental Economics
Analysis of enzymatic reactions of enzyme families, search for new functions and mechanisms of evolution
Analysis of global and regional governance in the field of sustainable development
Analysis of heterocyclic compounds in medicinal chemistry
Analysis of polyolefins using an IR filter detector

Development of methodologies for the analysis of polyolefins with an IR filter detector in collaboration with the company Polymer Char (Valencia).

Analysis of spatial and temporal protein-protein interactions in endocytosis

Spatio-temporal characterization of endocytic protein-protein interactions in live-cell imaging to study the dynamics of membrane vesicle trafficking.

Analysis of spatio-temporal coupling of exocytosis and endocytosis in neuroendocrine cells

Novel imaging, image segmentation techniques and statistical models for the detection and analysis of exo-endocytic events from TIR-FM images.

Analysis of the Economic Situation

Economic environment and situation course for research services.

Analysis of the sustainable development paradigm in its international and European dimension
Analytical control of industrial products and commodities.
Analytical quality control of chewable sweets enriched with vitamins K and D

Technical support and service provision contract with DAMEL S.A.

Analytical services to companies in the wine sector

Analysis, research and consultancy services for wineries and auxiliary and service companies in the oenological sector.

Antioxidant capacity studies on yeast models
Application of X-rays to molecular nanoreceptors
Application of assisted reproduction techniques and psychosocial aspects associated with them

Application of assisted reproduction techniques and psychosocial aspects associated with them.

Application of computer package modelling of the conditions and performance of polymeric materials for the transport of matter or energy.
Application of quality management models

Application of quality management models.

Application of the HYDRA Consortium codes to the study of the microwave background

The aim of the collaboration is the preparation of certain numerical codes to estimate non-linear anisotropies of the microwave background.

Applications of digital processing in industry

Training programme organised by ADEIT, IMPIVA, European Social Fund and Universitat de València.

Applied course in handling specific signal processors (DSP) and programmable logic

Training course for GH Industrial S.A. company.

Aquaculture: larval feeding

Characterisation and provision of rotifer strains for feeding crustacean and fish larvae in aquaculture.

Articles and postdoctoral stay
Articles and pre- and post-doctoral stays
Articles and pre- and post-doctoral stays
Articles and pre- and post-doctoral stays
Articles and predoctoral stay
Asociación Hispano-Portuguesa de Profesores de Derecho Internacional
Audio and sound systems technician

Postgraduate Course and University Specialisation in collaboration with the company General Asde and D.A.S. Audio.

Bank of Spain

Research project on Inequality, Human Capital and Regional Growth.

Basic training general services of the Universitat (NAU GRAN)

Training courses in Biology, Ecology and Evolution for people over 55 years.

Betelgueux S.L.
Bioaccumulation of toxics in living organisms

Bioaccumulation of toxics in living organisms.

Biological identification of species

Development of molecular and chromosomal markers for diagnosis and biological identification, suitable for biological expert appraisal.




Brand image analysis

Brand analysis - identity, projected and perceived image - for the development of a sponsor search document. Online and offline analysis through surveys and analysis of social networks and interviews with managers.

C-Roads Spain: deployment of harmonised and interoperable C-ITS services

Operation and testing of Day 1 and Day 1.5 C-ITS services as recommended by the European C-Roads Platform in five pilot sites.

CEFIRE (Teacher Training Service) courses

Training courses for secondary school teachers in the area of catalysis.

Carrying out campaigns, courses and research for ESA
Centre International de Droit Conmparé de l'Environnement (CIDCE) - Limoges, France

Joint participation in Spanish and French R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff.

Centre of excellence Jean Monnet of the Universitat de València

Organisation of conferences and congresses on the European Union values. Participation in the activities carried out by this Centre.

Certificate of Specialisation in Ecodesign: Practical Product Design for Sustainable Development

To introduce the life cycle analysis of a product, one of the main tools for product innovation or eco-design.

Characterisation of B. thuringiensis strains

Quality control analysis of strains and preparations based on Bacillus thuringiensis.

Characterisation of sewage-treatment plant effluents

Water quality analysis of a sewage-treatment plant effluent determined for different types of pollutants (drugs of abuse, medicines, pesticides...).

Characterisation of voltage signals and adaptive group synchronisation algorithms

Contract with the company DISMUNTEL.

Chemical analysis of pollutants

Raw materials and finished products.

Chemical characterisation of biostimulants components and analysis of the biostimulants effect on the development of crops
Chromosome and nucleic acid analysis techniques

Delivery of specialised courses aimed at obtaining molecular markers and cytogenetics used for diagnosis and biological identification.

Clases de Fisiología dentro del curso preparación para al examen BIR

Classes given at the Colegio Oficial e Biólogos for the preparation of the BIR exam.

Classes given at the Colegio Oficial e Biólogos for the preparation of the BIR exam.
Classification, reorganisation and digitalisation of Archives

Classification, reorganisation and digitalisation of the "Arxiu de Premsa del Fons de Documentació del Medi Ambient Casa-Verda".

Climate-KIC Professional Education Course

Climate-KIC Professional Education Course. Earth Observation and Space Technologies, Energy Efficiency & Smart Grids and Efficiency & Economic Feasibi.

Collaboration agreement with Schneider Electric

Collaboration agreement with a leading company in the industrial automation sector for the application of its technologies in the industrial sector.

Collaboration between research centres

Participation in joint research projects.

Collaboration with public institution

This includes several collaborations with public entities (especially Conselleria de Medi Ambient) in the field of conservation.

Collaboration with the Centre International de Droit Conmparé de l'Environnement (CIDCE) - Limoges, France

Joint participation in Spanish and French R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff. Contact person: Professor Michael Pieur, President of the CIDCE.

Collaboration with the Departament of Public Law of the Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), Brazil

Joint participation in Spanish and Brazilian R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff. Contact person: Professor Bruno Manoel Viana de Araujo, Tenured Professor of the UPE.

Collaboration with the Government of the Valencian Community in the fields of natural and cultural heritage protection (Environment - Culture and Sports).

Development of courses on tools for a spatial processing of information to use them in ecology, palaeoecology, palaeclimatology research.

Collaboration with the Government of the Valencian Community in the fields of natural and cultural heritage protection (Environment - Culture and Sports).
Collaboration with the Observatory of Human Rights of the Universidade Federale do Paranà (UFPR), Brazil

Joint participation in Spanish and Brazilian R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff. Contact person: Professor Danielle Annoni, Director of the Observatory in the UFPR.

Commercialisation studies of fruit and vegetable products

Study on the current and future situation of the commercialisation of fruit and vegetable products from the Valencian Community.

Communication device design
Competition binding of experimental proteins versus Cry1Ac and Cry1Fa from B. thuringiensis

Ligand-receptor assays between novel insecticidal proteins and the already known Cry1Ac and Cry1Fa to determine their complementarity.

Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean and its Protocols

Member of the Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean and its Protocols where the compliance reports presented by the Member States are reviewed.

Computational models for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

The Research Centre for Software Production Methods (ProS) has a long history of developing model-driven methods.

Computer-aided design of new biological catalysts with industrial applications
Conservation of endangered species

Location, monitoring and censuses of threatened lichens and plants.

Consolider project and articles
Construction of heart atlases to study anatomy and function of the pathological heart

Estimation and segmentation of microscopic features of cardiac tissue.

Construction of heart atlases to study anatomy and function of the pathological heart

Construction of probabilistic heart atlases for patient anatomy analysis.

Consultancy: design and updating of municipal services and citizen participation processes; Evaluation and reorganisation of services, programmes and public policies; consultancy for companies
Contributions of Computational Intelligence to the improvement and assessment of footwear comfort (CIFOOTCOM)

Private contract with INESCOP.

Control of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to air in industries

Monitoring sources of emissions and carrying out the mass balance required in the Solvent Management Plan of Royal Decree 117/2003.

Control of the leather manufacturing process

Technical support and service provision contract with COINGASA S.A.

Coordinated projects
Course given at the University of Algarve (Portugal)
Course on senior mediation and labour intermediation

Course agreed between ADEIT and the College of Social Graduates to train mediators. see

Courses on marketing tools

Proposal of marketing tools that allow a company to identify its main competitors and visualise the degree of competition on perceptual maps.

Creation of protocol-directed studies in hospital

The radiology service of the Hospital Universitario La Fe in Valencia periodically provides images ordered by studies for analysis.

Creation of the Documentation Centre of the Foundation Sabor y Salud

Creation of the Documentation Centre of the Foundation Sabor y Salud.

Culinary and gastronomic studies into traditional and advanced cuisine from the Valencian Community
Curricular environmentalisation

Curricular environmentalisation in education-related degrees at the University of Quindio (Colombia).

Decontamination of emerging pollutants, purification of chemical compounds, development of lithium-ion batteries and as a biocompatible material
Decontamination treatments

Decontamination treatments for application in the cereal and nut industry.

Definition of model-driven development methods

Course of the master's degree in Systems Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid to show how to develop systems from conceptual models.

Departament of Hydraulic Engineering and Environment, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) (Spain)

Exchange of research trainees and researchers. Joint research and publications.

Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sassari (Italy)

Exchange of research trainees. Joint research and publications.

Department of Biological Waste Gas Cleaning at International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), University of Stuttgart (Germany))

Exchange of researchers. Joint research and publications.

Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Exchange of research trainees. Joint research and publications.

Department of Sustainable Organic Chemistry and Technology, Ghent University (Belgium)

Exchange of researchers. Joint research and publications.

Deposit of microorganisms for the purposes of patent

Deposit according to Budapest Treaty specifications for patented strains.

Deposition and preservation of microbial strains

Public or restricted deposit of microbial strains (type, reference, biotechnological interest) by freeze-drying or alternative methods.

Design of electronic and software systems for application in the agri-food industry of machine vision systems

Contract with the company ThinkSpectrally.

Design of enzyme inhibitors, specifically for the main SARS-CoV-2 protease, based on multiscale computational simulations
Design of equipment and systems for capturing and processing all types of signals, such as artificial vision systems, for application in multiple sectors
Design of methods to identify higher throughput reaction routes in complex chemical processes
Design, development and evaluation of public policy strategies
Design, production and functionalisation of polymers for membrane technology in environmental, energy, packaging or biomedical applications.
Desulphurisation of Biogas

Application of biological systems to biogas desulphurisation. Pilot plant and demonstration units.

Detection of ectopic foci in patients with atrial fibrillation using non-invasive techniques
Detection of foodborne pathogens by qPCR

On-demand courses at the request of companies and research centres for personal training in conservation techniques and identification of microorganisms.

Detection of foodborne pathogens by qPCR

Detection and quantification of foodborne viruses and pathogenic bacteria by qPCR.

Determination of chronic ammonium and nitrite toxicity in juvenile eel (Anguilla anguilla) and its influence on susceptibility

Contract with Valencia City Council.

Determination of the nutritional profile and some special characteristics of a specific bread

Determination of the nutritional profile and some special characteristics of a specific bread.

Development and advice on Intelligent Mentoring Systems (ITS) through personalisation and the use of affective computing.
Development and implementation of new techniques and devices for the sample drawing and analysis
Development and validation of analytical methods for the determination of chiral contaminants in samples of environmental interest

Agreement with GAMASER S.L. (Group AGUAS DE VALENCIA)

Development of AR Systems
Development of a Driver's Manual in the Dominican Republic

Manuals developed for applicants to obtain driver’s licenses and for drivers who renew their licenses at the request of the National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (INTRANT).

Development of a self-diagnosis tool for home textiles point of sale

Development of a self-diagnosis tool for home textiles point of sale.

Development of advanced solvents and engineering of supercritical fluid or liquid-liquid extraction using DES or LIs
Development of improvement meta routines and process reorganisation
Development of in situ analysis devices, sensors and reagent dispensers
Development of measurement systems for quality control in the ceramics industry

Contract with DISMUNTEL.

Development of measurement systems for quality control in the ceramics industry

R&D project for company.

Development of new food from the region

Development of new ingredients and food.

Development of new nanostructured TiO2-based nanostructured materials by electrochemical metal anodising techniques
Development of new telecommunication systems to improve communications between users
Development of new texture descriptors

Collaboration with the wavelet transform group at the University of Buenos Aires for the development of new texture descriptors.

Development of pattern recognition and computer vision systems
Development of pharmaceutical products
Development of procedures for the simultaneous improvement of quality and innovation in industrial agri-food companies
Development of scientific seminars in collaboration with social agents

Development of scientific seminars in collaboration with social agents (Cemacam, ...).

Development of self-diagnostic tools for multitasking outlets
Development of signal processing systems for the capture, analysis and synthesis of acoustic signals
Development of systems for capturing and processing biomedical signals
Development of telemedicine systems (eHealth) and augmented reality for patients
Development of the Integrated Plan ITS (Intelligent Systems of Transports)

Technical assistance to develop the Integrated Plan ITS (Intelligent Systems of Transports) 2020-2022 of the Servei Català de Trànsit.

Development of tools to assist in clinical decision-making
Development of various actions
Development, installation and support for road safety education campaigns

Development, installation and support for a road safety education campaign in the framework of “House of Knowledge” campaigns of Saudi Aramco.

Dietary foods

To know the different dietary foods: definition, types and classification, physiological use throughout the stages of life.

Direction of the Chair of Territorial Culture
Diseño metodologías para estimar flujos de carbono desde satélite

Colaboración en el marco del proyecto RESET CLIMATE (CGL20112-35831).

Drinking water catchment, elevation, treatment and distribution, both upstream and downstream, sewer system, wastewater treatment
EFIS: Energy Efficiency in Large Buildings

Private contract (within an INNPACTO project).

ESA Coordination Board

Coordination Board of the Research Committee on Environment and Society of the ESA (European Sociological Association).

EU Economy

Training course on EU economic issues for technicians.

Ecotoxicity bioassays
Elaboration of virtual reality environments in the processes of therapy or education of people with mental disability or autism
Electrochemical characterisation of free and supported compounds
Electromagnetic pollution

Origin, risks, regulations, prevention.

Electromechanical simulation of the heart in high performance computing

Estimation of cardiac motion and deformation patterns in patients with ventricular dyssynchrony.

Environmental and industrial applications of remote temperature measurement

Digital processing of satellite thermal images and temperature measurement with field radiometers.

Environmental impact studies on flora and vegetation

Analysis of proposals made in various projects on the natural and urban environment. Preparation of reports on the flora and vegetation of an area or territory to be subjected to a project (power lines, roads, urban development, etc.).

Environmental toxicity bioassays. Application of molecular and ultrastructural markers: technical advice and consultancy in characterisation of plants, corks, algae, fungi, lichens, etc.

Environment: Bioassays with microalgae for the evaluation of environmental toxicity in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Technical advice, consultancy and training on: a) Isolation, identification and propagation of algae and lichen symbiotic bacteria. b) Application of molecular markers for characterisation of plants, algae, fungi and lichens. c) Cork quality control: Anatomical analysis of reproduction cork density, correlation with its physical properties and non-invasive bioindication with lichens. Three patents related to the activities.

Estimation of cardiac indices from clinical images to characterize pathological patterns

Comparison of the accuracy of detailed models of the heart with simplified rapid models translatable to clinical settings.

Estimation of forest degradation
Estimation of organic pollulants, including emergents, in the food and environmental matrix 
European Observatory on non-discrimination and the European Union citizenship

Creation, maintenance and updating of this European Observatory Web.

Evaluating employment policies

Evaluate the employment policies that are being implemented in the region, draw up proposals for improvement and define indicators to assess their impact.

Evaluation of "strESS-test" of health and social systems in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic
Evaluation of collections of B. thuringiensis strains in order to identify and isolate novel insecticidal genes for the production of transgenic crops

Collaboration with Bayer CropScience in the search for new insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis.

Evaluation of plans for the Directorate-General for Commercial Policy
Evaluation of properties of new materials in terms of morphology, chemical structure, thermal properties, mechanical properties or molar mass.
Ex-situ conservation of germplasm from the Valencian Community

Long-term conservation of seeds and spores of species from the catalogue of endangered flora in the Valencian Community.

Examination of the values pursued by the UN and the EU and their legal protection

Research and advice on these values and their international, European and national legal protection.

Exchange of information and training of executives from the main Spanish manufacturing and commercial distribution companies. 2012.

Exchange of information and training of executives from the main Spanish manufacturing and commercial distribution companies. 2012.

Exel Composites N.V. (Belgium)

Industrial partner of the European projects NextAirBiotreat and TrainonSec. Industrial partner of the European project NextAirBiotreat.

Expert reports
Fast electrophysiological models of the heart

Workflows for building customised models of the heart to simulate electrical activity in candida patients.

Food education

Food education in different physiological and pathological situations.

Food handlers

Food safety.

Food handling

Catering and food industry professionals.

Food quality and safety

To provide the necessary qualification in food safety and quality for the production and marketing of innocuous products.

Forthem Lab Experiencing Europe

European Universities Network ("Forthem Alliance") funded by the European Commission in order to foster research among the different European regions, transnational higher education and mobility.

Functional foods

Study of the current picture of functional foods: definition, types and classification, purpose and advantages over traditional food.

Generate commercial indicators capable of approximating the business' success
Genomics and Proteomics in Toxicology

Online course organised by the College of Chemists of Seville.

Giving talks, conferences and seminars on aspects of the group's lines of research.

To give talks, conferences and seminars on aspects of the group's lines of research, as well as on general Botany, sustainability, conservation, food and pharmaceutical uses, etc., which will lead to a better appreciation of Botany by society. This activity would be aimed at neighbourhood associations, schools, professional institutes, etc.

Graduate in management of protected natural areas

Training of managers committed to plant conservation in protected areas.

Herbarium management workshop

Herbarium management techniques.

High-performance processes for circuit hygiene in dairy industries through the development of nanomaterials
Histological analysis of human heart samples to build detailed cardiac computational models

Modelling of cardiac arrhythmias in the atrium and ventricle using detailed multiscale models.

Identification and validation of a gene expression signature for problematic fermentations diagnosis

Identification and validation of a gene expression signature during wine fermentations. 

Identification of Mediterranean marine flora

Study of the biodiversity, habitats and conservation status of the marine benthic flora on the Levantine coast (western Mediterranean).

Identification of food stabilisers

Analysis of processed products or raw materials for the detection of food stabilisers E-410 and E-412.

Identification of microbial strains

Identification of bacteria, archaea, yeasts and filamentous fungi.

Identification of unknown compounds, profiling and biomarker typing

Identification of unknown compounds present in the sample, identification of fingerprints or profiles for sample identification.

Immersive display systems
Implementation and Innovation of the National Logistics Plan of the Dominican Republic

Definition and development of a virtual training program for cargo truck drivers (ITV) operating in port terminals in the Dominican Republic, making use of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, at the request of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Implementation of the plans derived from Act 63-17 on Mobility, Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety of the Dominican Republic

Implementation of training, research and advisory activities for the National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (INTRANT) of the Dominican Republic.

Increase and improvement of the competitiveness of the Agri-food Industry

Tools for increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food industry.

Indoor air quality control in industrial environments

Monitoring and management plan. Treatment alternatives.

Industrial Process Control

Training programme organised by ADEIT, IMPIVA, European Social Fund and Universitat de València.

Information technology

Occupational training courses promoted by the National Employment Institute (INEM).

Inspection of audits and technical audits, for organisations receiving government funding
Installation and operation of a pilot plant and an industrial prototype of biotrickling filter for the treatment of COV emissions

Joint research and publications. Shared use of material research resources.

Institute for Water Education (UNESCO-IHE), Pollution Prevention and Control Core (the Netherlands))

Exchange of research trainees. Joint research and publications.

Institutional collaboration agreement
Instituto Hispano Luso Americano de Derecho Internacional (IHLADI)

Participation in biannual IHLADI Congresses.

Intellectual property, projects and digital identity training course
Intelligent data analysis for the prediction, classification and recognition of patterns or socio-economic trends
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Environmental Law Academy

The Dept. of International Law is a member of the IUCN Network. Participation in annual Congresses.

International collaboration

International collaboration with the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

International collaboration

International collaboration with the University of Split, Croatia.

International collaboration

International collaboration with Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy.

Introduction of a Negative Income Tax
Introduction to industrial buses

Training course for ALSTOM, S.A. company.

Introduction to taxonomy and plant evolution

Basic tools of taxonomy and plant evolution.

Inventory and mapping of the floristic diversity of a region
Investigating pollution status in aquatic ecosystems using biomarkers

Contract with the company RED CONTROL S.L.

Joint Research Projects

Carrying out Joint Research and Development Projects.

Joint activities aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of older people

Joint activities aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of older people

Joint development of airborne COV and odour treatment technology
Laboratory of Meteorology-Climatology

Joint research unit between the CEAM Foundation and the UVEG.Unidad mixta de investigación entre la Fundación CEAM y la UVEG.

Laboratory research and installation and operation of a pilot plant for the removal of VOCs from sectoral emissions

Exchange of research trainees and researchers. Joint research and publications.

Laboratory research and joint installation and operation of a pilot plant for the removal of nitrates from industrial sectoral waters

Exchange of research trainees and researchers. Joint research and publications.

Legal advice to ethics committees

Legal advice to ethics committees

Legal reports

Collaboration agreement.

Liquid-liquid extraction and supercritical extraction of compounds of interest using sustainable advanced solvents
METHADA-2020 Training school on Transcriptomic Metadata Handling and Data Analysis

The rise of the latest technologies combining physics, optics, chemistry and their application (

Management and intermediation in Hospitals, Clinics, Health Centres, Public Health Centres, Social and Health Care Centres, Residential Homes

Management and intermediation in Hospitals, Clinics, Health Centres, Public Health Centres, Social Health Centres, Residences.

Market research

Conducting joint research activities in market research methods to better understand competition and markets.

Market research
Market study in traditional trade to diagnose its level of innovation and competitiveness

Market study to determine professional profiles. Market study in traditional trade to diagnose its level of innovation and competitiveness.

Market study in traditional trade to diagnose its level of innovation and competitiveness
Massive data analysis (Big Data) and their application to obtain client profiles and facilitate decision-making in marketing
Master in Management, Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution

Master in Management, Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution.

Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering

Official interuniversity Master's Degree taught jointly by the Universitat de València and the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Master's Degree in New Technologies in Public Administration

Postgraduate Course and University Specialisation in collaboration with the company General Asde.

Master's Degree in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Participation in the Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.

Master's degree in FORD Concessions Management in Spain

Master's degree in FORD Concessions Management in Spain.

Master’s Degree in Design, Installation and Maintenance of Industrial Automation Systems - DIMSAI

UV-specific master's degree with training specifically aimed at the industrial sector to improve the efficiency of its processes through equipment.

Maximum use of water, customer service and environmental protection
Measurements of electromagnetic fields
Mechanisms of inorganic reactions
Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapy Module of the Specific Degree in Pharmaceutical Care

Medicinal plants from natural plant communities and their use in phytotherapy.

Members of the environmental network of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Environmental Law Academy

Participation in the annual Congresses of the environmental network of the IUCN Environmental Law Academy. Contact person: Juan Antonio López, President of the IUCN Spanish Committee.

Mesoporous materials for metabolite detection and drug release

Preparation, characterisation and assessment of mesoporous materials for different purposes.

Metabolic characterisation of gain- and loss-of-function lines

Dr. Fernie's group is collaborating on the metabolic characterisation of gain- and loss-of-function lines.

Microalgae (lichen symbionts and free-living: isolation, molecular identification, in vitro propagation, compounds for biotechnological applications. Mass bioproduction

Microalgae (lichen symbionts and free-living): The group has innovative methodologies for isolation, molecular identification, propagation, studies of metabolic compounds, etc. of lichen microalgae. It also has an important collection of microalgae from Mediterranean environments "ASUV, Colección de Microalgas Simbióticas de la UV (". All this enables the analysis of metabolic compounds (original or transformation) for biotechnological applications for various purposes such as sources of lipids, carotenoids and other compounds for nutraceutical applications, cosmetics, natural fertilisers and generation of types of biofuels.

Microbial strain supply

Supply in various formats of strains from the CECT public catalogue for educational, research or industrial use.

Microbiological analysis

Ready-to-eat foods.

Mixed unit of endocrinology, Nutrition and clinical Dietetics
Modeling of ventricular tachycardia to improve radiofrequency ablation techniques

Detailed modelling of electrical activation in the ventricles and its effect on the mechanics of the ventricles.

Monitoring and evaluation of Spanish endangered flora
Multiscale simulation of heart arrhythmias using biophysical models

Modelling of ventricular tachycardia conditions as well as derived electrical patterns for RFA enhancement.

Nanomaterials: size separation, encapsulation in polymer matrices, characterisation, identification and quantification, response to chemical stimuli
Neuro-dynamic and enhanced learning models for the control and prediction of user navigation sequences in service portals

Contract with Tissat.

Nutritional study on the non-institutionalised dependent population, with the aim of improving the care and social welfare of the dependent population
OTRI agreement with the GCJ

Framework collaboration agreement on activities to modernise justice.

OTRI agreement with the Innovation Chair of the University of Cantabria

Collaborative activities in the field of Law and information and communication technologies.

OTRI agreement with the Registrars Association of Spain

Dissemination activities in relation to the draft bill on the reform of the Registry.

Odour control in sewage treatment plants and waste treatment plants

Odour monitoring of emission sources and in working environments.

Offering of the AiDrix-DLM: Artificial Intelligence Desinfector Robot equipment by means of intense UV-C light exposure - Deep Learning Machine
Online Course organised by the College of Chemists of Seville
Online Master's Degree in Pest Control and Management

Postgraduate degree that studies animal pests and techniques for their control in agricultural, forestry and urban environments.

Online and offline analysis of the Terra i Mar brand by means of survey and analysis of social networks, as well as in-depth interviews with managers
Operation, maintenance and conservation services for WWTPs and sewer systems

The company's main activity focuses on the operation, maintenance and conservation services of WWTPs and sanitation systems.

Optimisation of agrochemicals

Collaboration contract with companies.

Optimisation of fungicide use

Optimisation of fungicide use.

Optimisation of the administration of pharmaceuticals. Analysis of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic problems (dose and frequency)
Optimising long-term customer value in relationship marketing campaigns using advanced machine learning technologies

Private contract with the company TISSAT.

PLC and SCADA control and monitoring of a water treatment plant

R&D project for company.

Participation in the BIO-MED call for proof-of-concept projects between the IIDL and IUHLF Biobank la Fe

Columbia research project between the IIDL-UV and the IUHLF Biobank for the creation of a multicultural observatory applicable to biological deaths in biomedical research. It is worth stressing the social research applied to the impact of racial and cultural differences in the donation of samples to the biobank of the Hospital La Fe.

Performance evaluation during application in simulated, real time or accelerated application environments
PhD thesis and articles
Photoelectrochemistry, characteristics of semiconductors and their applications in the energy and environmental fields.
Physicochemical characterisation of industrial emissions to water and air

Sampling and monitoring of emissions to air and water of pollutants included in the Spanish Register of Emissions and Pollutant Sources.

Polyazamacrocyclic calorimetric studies
Post-graduate Course on Environmental Proteomics

Course given at the University of Algarve (Portugal).

Predictive model for early liver transplant failure using pre-and peritransplant variables that maximise utility for the Hospital

Contract with La Fe Hospital.

Preparation and assessment of colorimetric and fluorometric sensors

Sensors for pollutant gases, drugs, cations, anions, neutral molecules.

Preparation of specific strategic plans for Public Administration and companies in:
Process and flow chemistry studies
Process optimisation for cost reduction and increased efficiency in the business environment
Production of recombinant proteins in insect cells

Preparation of recombinant baculoviruses for the production of recombinant proteins in insects or insect cells.

Professional University Specialisation Diploma in New Technologies in Public Administration

Postgraduate Course and University Specialisation in collaboration with the company General Asde.

Professional qualification course in senior mediation

Course agreed between ADEIT and the Association of Fiscal Advisors of the Valencian Community. See

Programme for University Professors' Stays in Companies

Professor Teresa Fayos' stay at the company GH Electrotermia.

Project, articles and conferences
Projects and articles
Public Administration Service Training Programme

Regular training courses for staff at the service of the Valencian government.

Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences, Ecole Nationale Superior de Chimie

Exchange of research trainees. Joint research and publications.

Report on the distribution of ceramics and building materials

Report on the distribution of ceramics and building materials.

Research and Development on new moulding lathe techniques for turning parts of insulating ceramics

R&D project for company.

Research on aspects related to the identification of the best brand positioning.
Research project/Cárnicas Serrano S.L.

Determination of the nutritional profile of traditional cold meats made without animal fat.

Research project/Helios School

Study of the suitability of the annual proposal for school menus served in the school canteen.

Research project/Irco Restauración Colectica S.L.

Study of the suitability of the annual proposal for the company's school menus.

Research services applied to Social Sciences

We offer social research services linked to variables of social competence, including so-called social inequalities and social inclusion processes, special mention to those groups that suffer from issues related to stigmatization, vulnerability and social exclusion.

Retention mechanisms

Short course given at the HPLC 2013 congress held in Amsterdam in June 2013.

Rigorous optimisation of a two-dimensional chromatograph

Development of software for retention modelling, chromatographic peak shape and resolution in collaboration with Agilent Technologies.

Riverbank management and restoration

Basic tools for riverbank management and restoration.

SEOFER Chair of Road Safety and Intelligent Mobility

Research, transfer and dissemination activities, as well as training aimed at the role signalling plays and which should mainly exercise in the field of Road Safety and Mobility..

STSE Denomination

Ibero-American Seminar on Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) in science education.

Sampling techniques and assessment of aquatic flora

Techniques of application of macrophyte indices for the assessment of the biological quality of rivers.

Sanitation and treatment services

Management of the operation of the facilities and execution of the sewage sanitation and treatment works. Collecting and managing water treatment levy.

Scientific advice for the industrial production of agricultural pest pheromones

Know-how transfer contract with the company EPA SL for the industrial production of the Mediterranean fruit fly pheromone.

Scientific advice

Industrial production of the Mediterranean fruit fly pheromone.

Scientific collaboration with the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry group of the UJI (Universitat Jaume I)
Semen quality study

Study and assessment of semen quality. Este servicio puede ofrecerse también en forma de curso.

Services for aquaculture, vaccine and animal feed companies

Various services for aquaculture, vaccine and animal feed companies.

Services for crops control, advice on pest control and environment

Contracts with companies in the field of crops control, advice on pest control and environment.

Shelf-life study of canned pineapple

Research project/EDV PALCKAGI SOLUT, S.L.

Shopping Centre Manager Course

Course to train managers in marketing and market research techniques. Organised by the Spanish Association of Shopping Centres.

Situation of road safety education in Spain
Smart tools for the Prescription of orthopaedic Insoles and Footwear (SMARTPIF)

European project within the 7th Framework Programme.

Sociology and Sustainability: Emerging Perspectives

UIMP (Menendez Pelayo International University) course.

Soil rehabilitation and restoration after forest fires, road and railway embankments and agriculture land
Soil toxicity bioassays

Soil toxicity bioassays.

Soil toxicity testing
Solving problems which require high performance and/or the processing of Big Data.
Specialised on-demand training courses, or general courses on plastics technology and sustainable recovery
Specific subject courses

Specific subject courses.

Sports nutrition

Nutrition applied to sport.

Strategic planning for the third sector (economic, thematic and HR)
Strengthening the capacity of paramedics and health professionals to provide competent and compassionate care
Studies on amine-modified cyclopeptides
Studies on the development of micellar liquid chromatography

Research on the fundamental aspects of the micellar liquid chromatography technique.

Studies on the functioning of cell counters

Study on reliability, reproducibility, error and linearity of an automatic cell counter for microscopy.

Study of Lichenological Flora in the Iberian Peninsula

Study of the lichenological flora of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and preparation of identification keys and descriptions of the taxa.

Study of antioxidant activity in fish embryo model
Study of functionalised nanoparticles for biomedical purposes
Study of inflationary models and their relation to the properties of the microwave background

Study of inflationary models and their relation to the properties of the microwave background.

Study of solvatochromic scales

Application of some synthesised dyes as possible bases for solvatochromic scales.

Study of specific products consumers

Citrus consumer study.

Study of the Iberian bryophyte flora

Study of the bryophyte flora of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and preparation of identification keys and descriptions of the taxa.

Study of the Spanish ceramic and construction materials distribution sector

Study of the Spanish ceramic and construction materials distribution sector.

Study of the activity of compounds as anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour agents
Study of the cut flower and ornamental plant sector
Study of the effect of food processing and preservation
Study of the effect of thermal and non-thermal (emerging) treatments on the nutritional quality of food
Study of the evolution of international and European law in the field of sustainable development: green economy and environment
Study of the stress response

Study of the stress response in yeast as a model for responses in eukaryotes.

Study on Competitiveness Improvement

Study on Improving the competitiveness of the retail trade in the Región de Murcia: Implementation of a quality system.

Studying the feasibility of umbrella branding among various competitors or partners
Subject: Capillary Electrophoresis Course

12811080 Master's degree in Forensic Chemistry. ADEIT-UVEG. Contents. Capillary electrophoresis. Case studies

Subject: Laboratory in the Industry. Functions and management

Diploma in Chemistry. Speciality Industry. Faculty of Chemistry UVEG-Col.legi de Químics de la Comunitat Valenciana (Association of Chemists of the Valencian Community)

Subject: Metrology

12811080 Master's degree in Forensic Chemistry. ADEIT-UVEG. Contents: Verification protocols Quality assurance

Subject: Sample preparation for forensic analysis

12811080 Master's degree in Forensic Chemistry. ADEIT-UVEG. Contents: Sample preparation. Case studies.

Supply of microbial strain DNA

Supply of purified DNA from strains in the CECT public catalogue.

Systematics of Trebouxiophyceae

Road safety and urban mobility projects.

Technical advice and consultancy
Technical advice and scientific consulting services in areas of molecular genetic variation and the basic tools for molecular studies
Technical advice and support on pollutants

Routine analysis, screening and monitoring of various organic pollutants in environmental and food matrices.

Technical advice and support on the effect of pesticides on bees and hive products

Determination of pesticide levels on bees and other hive products and risk assessment.

Technical advice and training

Development of technical advice and training for SEBRAE analysts and managers.

Technical advice on the establishment of a treatment system of VOC and odour atmospheric emissions

Extensive scientific and technical experience in atmospheric emissions treatment systems. Ability to advise on selection and operation.

Temporal random closed sets

Statistical analysis, estimation and model fitting of temporal random closed sets. Applications to the study of dynamic processes from image sequences.

Theoretical elaboration of the concept of the internal periphery in the framework of the European Union
Therapy in the kitchen

Culinary and gastronomic diet therapy.

To study the diversity and habitats of lichens and lichenicolous fungi

The diversity and habitats, as well as their conservation status in the Pitiusas archipelago (Balearic Islands) are studied.

Total water cycle management and other engineering, works and laboratory services
Total water cycle management

It offers social, technical and financial answers in different fields of the total water cycle.

Total water cycle services, from its catchment and treatment to its distribution
Toxicity bioassays

Assistance and provision of strains in acute and chronic toxicity tests using rotifers.

Toxicity bioassays

Toxicity bioassays.

Training and advice on how to obtain funding and technical assistance for R&D&I projects.
Training in Oenological Microbiology

Tailor-made training courses in Oenological Microbiology.

Training in environmental law, University of Alicante
Training in instrumental techniques applied to water quality control

Instrumental techniques applied to water quality control.

Training in integration of the work environment and adaptation to the public health environment.

Training in this field as part of public health covers aspects related to integration of the working environment and adaptation to the environment.

Training in international and European Union studies

The Group offers various teaching modules of the master's degree.

Training in personal brand management

Training in personal brand management.

Training in public services management

Training in public services management.

Training in service management

Training in service management.

Training in management of tourism companies and destinations

Training in management of tourism companies and destinations.

Training of research staff

Contract for the Training of Predoctoral Research Staff, within the framework of the Sub-programme "Attraction of Talent", Universitat De València.

Training of staff specialised in the field of pest control and its treatment

This includes all types of collaborations in the training of staff specialised in the field of pest control and its treatment.

Training of technical personnel from public or private entities in the recognition of species of interest

To train technical staff to recognise species of economic or conservation interest based on diagnosed morphological characters. This activity includes aspects on the reproductive biology and management of these species. It would be aimed at technical personnel of germplasm banks, flora conservation technicians, nursery operators, etc.


Training on fundamental rights, international business, and nationality and immigration

Jean Monnet courses of teaching excellence.

Undergraduate degree in plant conservation

Training for in-situ and ex-situ plant conservation.

Various courses for police, institutions and companies

Numerous courses for police, institutions and companies.

WFD for the assessment of the quality of coastal waters
Water quality. Biotic indices in inland waters
pH-measurement applications

Development of a mobile phone app for pH-measurement.