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Advanced chemical analytics

Development of analytical methods for the determination of organic, traditional and emerging pollutants in food and environmental matrices.

Advice on environmental policy

Advice on the position to be adopted by the Spanish Delegation in the drafting, implementation, negotiation and application of international and European standards on this subject.

Advice on marine environmental problems in the North-East Atlantic

Preparation of reports at the request of the OSPAR Commission on various environmental issues affecting the North-East Atlantic.

Advice on microbial processes in water treatment systems

Optimisation of purification processes, assessment of the efficiency of influent treatment techniques of WWTP, purification and naturalisation of treated water effluents with artificial wetlands.

Advice on the assessment of the impact on palaeontological sites of high scientific and social value
Advice on the processing of environmental genetic data

Advice on the development of molecular analysis and bioinformatics tools in metabarcoding and environmental metagenomics studies, interpretation of results obtained in massive sequencing studies.

Advice on the protection of palaeontological heritage
Advice on the submission, monitoring and evaluation of Geopark proposals
Analysis of areas of interest for the conservation of cetaceans

Analysis of areas of interest for the conservation of cetaceans

Analysis of global and regional governance in the field of sustainable development
Analysis of the sustainable development paradigm in its international and European dimension
Analytical services to companies in the wine sector

Analysis, research and consultancy services for wineries and auxiliary and service companies in the oenological sector.

Aquaculture: larval feeding

Characterisation and provision of rotifer strains for feeding crustacean and fish larvae in aquaculture.

Asociación Hispano-Portuguesa de Profesores de Derecho Internacional
Assessment of the ecotoxicological risk of pollutants

Toxicity tests with standard species and in micro-mesocosms.

Basic training general services of the Universitat (NAU GRAN)

Training courses in Biology, Ecology and Evolution for people over 55 years.

Biological identification of species

Development of molecular and chromosomal markers for diagnosis and biological identification, suitable for biological expert appraisal.


Biology and conservation studies of cetaceans and sea turtles

Biology and conservation studies of cetaceans and sea turtles

Centre International de Droit Conmparé de l'Environnement (CIDCE) - Limoges, France

Joint participation in Spanish and French R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff.

Centre of excellence Jean Monnet of the Universitat de València

Organisation of conferences and congresses on the European Union values. Participation in the activities carried out by this Centre.

Characterisation of sewage-treatment plant effluents

Water quality analysis of a sewage-treatment plant effluent determined for different types of pollutants (drugs of abuse, medicines, pesticides...).

Characterisation of the distribution of mutational effects on the biological efficacy of RNA viruses
Chemical analysis of cleaning products, cosmetics, vegetable oils and others

Development of chemical analysis methods for cleaning products, cosmetics, vegetable oils, and others.

Chemical characterisation of biostimulants components and analysis of the biostimulants effect on the development of crops
Chromosome and nucleic acid analysis techniques

Delivery of specialised courses aimed at obtaining molecular markers and cytogenetics used for diagnosis and biological identification.

Clases de Fisiología dentro del curso preparación para al examen BIR

Classes given at the Colegio Oficial e Biólogos for the preparation of the BIR exam.

Collaboration with local, regional and national bodies

Advice to different organisations for the management and conservation of inland aquatic systems.

Collaboration with the Centre International de Droit Conmparé de l'Environnement (CIDCE) - Limoges, France

Joint participation in Spanish and French R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff. Contact person: Professor Michael Pieur, President of the CIDCE.

Collaboration with the Departament of Public Law of the Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), Brazil

Joint participation in Spanish and Brazilian R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff. Contact person: Professor Bruno Manoel Viana de Araujo, Tenured Professor of the UPE.

Collaboration with the Government of the Valencian Community in the fields of natural and cultural heritage protection (Environment - Culture and Sports).

Development of courses on tools for a spatial processing of information to use them in ecology, palaeoecology, palaeclimatology research.

Collaboration with the Government of the Valencian Community in the fields of natural and cultural heritage protection (Environment - Culture and Sports).
Collaboration with the Observatory of Human Rights of the Universidade Federale do Paranà (UFPR), Brazil

Joint participation in Spanish and Brazilian R&D&I Projects. Joint publications. Exchange of teaching staff. Contact person: Professor Danielle Annoni, Director of the Observatory in the UFPR.

Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean and its Protocols

Member of the Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean and its Protocols where the compliance reports presented by the Member States are reviewed.

Conservation of endangered species

Location, monitoring and censuses of threatened lichens and plants.

Culture of appropriate species for restoration

Teaching of techniques for germination, culture and reintroduction of aquatic macrophyte species.

Design of procedures and assessment of the environmental status of water bodies, and their improvement

Design of monitoring systems, determination of metrics and assessment of the environmental status of water bodies in accordance with the Water Framework Directive, assessment of pressures and impacts, and proposals for management and restoration measures.

Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel compounds with anti-inflammatory activity

This work is carried out in collaboration with Professors Antonio Marcilla (Universitat de València), Aurelio Csaki (Complutense University of Madrid) and Doctors Francisco Sáncez (Institute of Medical Chemistry, CISC, Madrid), Jesús del Pozo (Dermatologist) and Eduardo Oliver (CIB, CSIC, Madrid). 

Determination of SARS-CoV-2 in environmental samples
Determination of chronic ammonium and nitrite toxicity in juvenile eel (Anguilla anguilla) and its influence on susceptibility

Contract with Valencia City Council.

Development of Mediterranean cetacean stranding database

Development of Mediterranean cetacean stranding database

Development of management guidelines and recommendations for management and restoration measures of lentic ecosystems with focus on climate mitigation

Study and determination of management and restoration measures in a climate approach, to evaluate the capacity to strengthen the climate regulation service in different types of lentic ecosystems, through an integrated and holistic vision with the rest of ecosystem services, ecological values and uses of the ecosystems.

Development of plans for the protection of palaeontological sites
Development of scientific seminars in collaboration with social agents

Development of scientific seminars in collaboration with social agents (Cemacam, ...).

Dietary foods

To know the different dietary foods: definition, types and classification, physiological use throughout the stages of life.

Drug evaluation

Drug evaluation. Animal models. In vitro models

Environmental impact of offshore wind farms

Environmental impact of offshore wind farms

Environmental impact studies on flora and vegetation

Analysis of proposals made in various projects on the natural and urban environment. Preparation of reports on the flora and vegetation of an area or territory to be subjected to a project (power lines, roads, urban development, etc.).

Epidemiologic analysis of infectious diseases through molecular biology methods and study on disease outbreaks
Estimation of the mutation rate of animal, plant and bacteriophage viruses (both RNA and DNA)
European Observatory on non-discrimination and the European Union citizenship

Creation, maintenance and updating of this European Observatory Web.

Evaluation of antiviral compounds on SARS-CoV-2 in the BSL3 (Biosafety level 3 Laboratory)
Evaluation of infection rates at the population level through rapid serological tests
Examination of the values pursued by the UN and the EU and their legal protection

Research and advice on these values and their international, European and national legal protection.

Fish feeding experiments

Fish feeding experiments

Food quality and safety

To provide the necessary qualification in food safety and quality for the production and marketing of innocuous products.

Forthem Lab Experiencing Europe

European Universities Network ("Forthem Alliance") funded by the European Commission in order to foster research among the different European regions, transnational higher education and mobility.

Functional foods

Study of the current picture of functional foods: definition, types and classification, purpose and advantages over traditional food.

Generation of bacteria-free plants

Generation of bacteria-free plants.

Genomics and Proteomics in Toxicology

Online course organised by the College of Chemists of Seville.

Geological advice to companies and administrations in the management of natural resources
Giving talks, conferences and seminars on aspects of the group's lines of research.

To give talks, conferences and seminars on aspects of the group's lines of research, as well as on general Botany, sustainability, conservation, food and pharmaceutical uses, etc., which will lead to a better appreciation of Botany by society. This activity would be aimed at neighbourhood associations, schools, professional institutes, etc.

Identification of Mediterranean marine flora

Study of the biodiversity, habitats and conservation status of the marine benthic flora on the Levantine coast (western Mediterranean).

Identification of food stabilisers

Analysis of processed products or raw materials for the detection of food stabilisers E-410 and E-412.

Identification of transmission routes, gene introduction and spread, and drug resistance variants in viruses and bacteria
Identification of unknown compounds, profiling and biomarker typing

Identification of unknown compounds present in the sample, identification of fingerprints or profiles for sample identification.

In vitro and in vivo techniques training

In vitro and in vivo techniques training

In-vitro and in-vitro estimation of mutation rates of different human viruses of high biomedical relevance, such as HIV-1 or Hepatitis C
Instituto Hispano Luso Americano de Derecho Internacional (IHLADI)

Participation in biannual IHLADI Congresses.

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Environmental Law Academy

The Dept. of International Law is a member of the IUCN Network. Participation in annual Congresses.

Investigating pollution status in aquatic ecosystems using biomarkers

Contract with the company RED CONTROL S.L.

Joint Research Projects

Carrying out Joint Research and Development Projects.

Management and conservation of marsh passerines

Study of the habitat use of marsh passerines.

Marine species studies

Marine species studies for companies and institutions

Members of the environmental network of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Environmental Law Academy

Participation in the annual Congresses of the environmental network of the IUCN Environmental Law Academy. Contact person: Juan Antonio López, President of the IUCN Spanish Committee.

Monitoring of the conservation status of Habitats of Community Interest

Development of methodologies for the monitoring and assessment of the Habitat Types of Community Interest.

Online Master's Degree in Pest Control and Management

Postgraduate degree that studies animal pests and techniques for their control in agricultural, forestry and urban environments.

Parasitological studies of Seriola dumerili

Parasitological studies of Seriola dumerili

Pauson Khand's new reactions study

Pauson Khand's new reactions study.

Post-graduate Course on Environmental Proteomics

Course given at the University of Algarve (Portugal).

Postgraduate degree in specialised teacher training for early childhood, primary, secondary and university teachers

Postgraduate degree in specialised teacher training for pre-school, primary, secondary and university teachers.

Practical Ichthyopathology Course for Fish Farmers. Current health status of sea bream and sea bass farming.

organised by the company Skretting and the Universidad de Valencia.

Preparation of reports and studies for the production of geological sheets
Projects in applied ecology

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in research projects of the National Plan.

Quantitative estimation of RNA virus mutation rates

Use of remote-sensing systems to monitor environmental changes.

Restoration of aquatic ecosystems

Proposals for the effective restoration of aquatic ecosystems.

Scientific advice for the recovery and enhancement of the palaeontological heritage

Scientific advice for the recovery and enhancement of the palaeontological heritage.

Screening for antivirals and antibodies to SARS-CoV-2
Semen quality study

Study and assessment of semen quality. Este servicio puede ofrecerse también en forma de curso.

Services for aquaculture, vaccine and animal feed companies

Various services for aquaculture, vaccine and animal feed companies.

Studies on the experimental evolution of oncolytic viruses for the development of therapeutic applications
Studies on the functioning of cell counters

Study on reliability, reproducibility, error and linearity of an automatic cell counter for microscopy.

Study of Lichenological Flora in the Iberian Peninsula

Study of the lichenological flora of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and preparation of identification keys and descriptions of the taxa.

Study of climate change and population ecology

Study of climate change and population ecology.

Study of enantioselective intramolecular dipolar reactions

This work is carried out in collaboration with Professor Javier Adrio of the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Study of evolutionary processes using viruses as model organisms
Study of fish parasites

Study of fish parasites

Study of the Iberian bryophyte flora

Study of the bryophyte flora of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and preparation of identification keys and descriptions of the taxa.

Study of the evolution of complete genomes and genes in bacteria and viruses
Study of the evolution of international and European law in the field of sustainable development: green economy and environment
Study of the potential of the use of fog water in the municipalities of Alcublas and Andilla for the restoration of the burnt areas in these municipalities

Between the two municipalities, around 8,000 hectares have been burnt, according to data from the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure, Territory and the Environment.

Study of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) in human populations and natural reservoirs through genetic and genomic analysis for the purposes of epidemiological care and control
Study of wetland ecology

Study of wetland ecology.

Study on evolutionary patterns of viruses and other pathogenic organisms via mutation and selection mechanisms
Study on the dynamic of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms with their hosts, especially human ones
Technical advice and consultancy in molecular studies related to genetic variability
Technical advice and consultancy on the microbiota impact on human health
Technical advice and scientific consultancy in genetics
Technical advice and scientific consultancy in quantitative genetics and analysis for the impact of multiple genes on the phenotype
Technical advice and support on pollutants

Routine analysis, screening and monitoring of various organic pollutants in environmental and food matrices.

Technical advice and support on the effect of pesticides on bees and hive products

Determination of pesticide levels on bees and other hive products and risk assessment.

Theoretical calculations of dipole reactions

Theoretical calculations of dipole reactions.

To study the diversity and habitats of lichens and lichenicolous fungi

The diversity and habitats, as well as their conservation status in the Pitiusas archipelago (Balearic Islands) are studied.

Toxicity bioassays

Assistance and provision of strains in acute and chronic toxicity tests using rotifers.

Training in Oenological Microbiology

Tailor-made training courses in Oenological Microbiology.

Training in aquatic ecology

Training of researchers, technicians and managers on epicontinental aquatic ecosystems.

Training in environmental law, University of Alicante
Training in international and European Union studies

The Group offers various teaching modules of the master's degree.

Training in modelling and simulation of social and psychological systems.

To prepare students in modelling and simulation of social and psychological systems.

Training of technical personnel from public or private entities in the recognition of species of interest

To train technical staff to recognise species of economic or conservation interest based on diagnosed morphological characters. This activity includes aspects on the reproductive biology and management of these species. It would be aimed at technical personnel of germplasm banks, flora conservation technicians, nursery operators, etc.


Training on fundamental rights, international business, and nationality and immigration

Jean Monnet courses of teaching excellence.