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  • Ortega-Mayagoitia, E., C. Rojo y M.A. Rodrigo. 2003. Controlling factors of phytoplankton taxonomic structure in wetlands: an experimental approach. Hydrobiologia 502: 177-186.
  • Rodrigo, M.A., C. Rojo y M. Álvarez-Cobelas. 2003. Autotrophic and heterotrophic picoplankton in wetlands: differences with lake patterns. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 88:464-481.
  • Rodrigo, M.A., C. Rojo y X. Armengol. 2003. Plankton biodiversity in a landscape of shallow water bodies (Mediterranean coast, Spain). Hydrobiologia 506-509: 317-326.
  • Rojo, C. 2003. Steady state in phytoplankton assemblages. Hydrobiologia 502: 3-12.
  • Angeler D. & M.A. Rodrigo. 2004. Ramp disturbance-ramp response: a simple model for wetland disturbance ecology. Marine and Freshwater Research 55: 33-37.
  • Rojo, C. 2004. Self-organization of plankton communities: a test of freshwater restoration. In: Assembly rules and restoration Ecology. (Hobbs, R., Temperton, V. and Fattorini, M., eds.) 2004 Island Press (Washington DC).
  • Marco-Noales, E., Biosca, E., Rojo, C. & Amaro, C. 2004. Influence of aquatic microbiota on the survival in water of the human and eel pathogen Vibrio vulnificus serovar E. Environmental Microbiology 6:364-375.
  • Alvarez-Cobelas, M., Velasco, J.L., Valladolid, M., Baltanás, A. and Rojo, C. 2005. Daily patterns of mixing and nutrient concentrations during early autumn circulation in a small sheltered lake. Freshwater Biology 50:813-829.
  • Alvarez-Cobelas, M., C. Rojo, J.L. Velasco & A. Baltanás. 2005. Factors controlling planktonic size spectral responses to autumnal circulation in a Mediterranean lake. Freshwater Biology 51: 131-143 .
  • Angeler, D.G. Sánchez-Carrillo, M.A. Rodrigo, O. Viedma y M. Álvarez-Cobelas 2005. On the importance of water depth, macrophytes and fish in wetland picocyanobacteria regulation. Hydrobiologia 549: 23-32.
  • Bort, S., C. Rojo, M.A. Rodrigo & N. Maidana. 2005. El fitoplancton de las lagunas de Ruidera (Parque Natural, Ciudad Real). Limnetica 24:33-46.
  • Lionard, M., E. Ortega Mayagoitia & C. Rojo. 2005. Evolución del fitoplancton en el parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel (Ciudad Real, 1996-2001). Limnetica 24:171-182.
  • Álvarez-Cobelas, M. C. Rojo & D. Angeler. 2005. Mediterranean limnology: current status, gaps, and the future. Journal of Limnology 64:13-29.
  • Conforti, V., Lionard, M., Segura, M. & Rojo, C. 2005. Las Euglenófitas en Las Tablas de Daimiel como ejemplo de las limitaciones de los indicadores biológicos de la degradación ambiental. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 62(2): 163-179.
  • Larrosa, J., S.M. Mayeli, E. Mangas-Ramírez, M.A. Rodrigo y C. Rojo. 2006. Alternative final states when Daphnia magna invades a system with Keratella cochlearis. Arch. Hydrobiol. 166:289-305.
  • Álvarez-Cobelas M., Baltanás, A., J.L. Velasco y C. Rojo. 2006. Zooplankton dynamics during autumn circulation in a small, wind- sheltered, Mediterranean lake. Marine & Freshwater Research 57: 441- 452.
  • Rojo, C., M.A., Rodrigo & M. Álvarez-Cobelas. 2006. Plankton diversity is the outcome of an assembly process. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29 (3).
  • Álvarez-Cobelas, M., S. Cirujano, C. Rojo, M.A. Rodrigo, E. Piña y E. Montero. 2006 Effects of changing rainfall on the limnology of a Mediterranean, flowthrough-seepage chain of lakes. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 91:466-482.
  • Piña-Ochoa, E., Álvarez-Cobelas, M., Rodrigo, M.A., Rojo, C. y Delgado, A. 2006. Nitrogen sedimentation in a lake affected by massive nitrogen inputs: auotchthonus versus allochthonus effects. Freshwater Biology 51:2228-2239
  • Álvarez-Cobelas, M., Rojo, C., Velasco, JL. y Baltanás, A. 2006. Factors controlling planktonic size spectral responses to autumnal circulation in a Mediterranean lake. Freshwater Biology 51: 131-143
  • Angeler, D.G., Sánchez-Carrillo, S., Rodrigo, M. A., Álvarez-Cobelas, M. y Rojo, C. 2007. Does seston size structure reflect fish-mediated effects on water quality in a degraded semiarid wetland? Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 125:9-17
  • Rodrigo, M. A., Rojo, C., Álvarez-Cobelas, M. y Cirujano, S. 2007. Chara hispida beds as a sink of nitrogen: Evidence from growth, nitrogen uptake and decomposition. Aquatic Botany 87: 7-14.
  • Rodrigo, M.A., Rojo, C., Segura, M. y Larrosa, J.. 2007. Mechanisms of microalgae selection during the assembly of a planktonic community. Aquatic Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s10452-007-9143-x
  • Rojo, C; Rodrigo, M.A.; Salazar, G.; Álvarez-Cobelas, M. 2008. Nitrate uptake rates in freshwater plankton: the effect of food web structure. Marine and Freshwater Research 59: 717- 725
  • Rojo, C; Segura, M., Rodrigo, M.A.; Salazar, G. 2009. Factors controlling the colonial structure of Pediastrum tetras (Chlorophyceae). Hydrobiologia 617:143-155
  • Rojo C, Baron-Rodriguez MM, Alvarez-Cobelas M and Rodrigo M.A. 2010. Sustained primary production with changing phytoplankton assemblages in a semiarid wetland. Hydrobiologia 639: 55-62
  • Rodrigo MA, Alonso-Guillen JL, Soulie-Marsche I. 2010. Reconstruction of the former charophyte community out of the fructifications identified in Albufera de Valencia lagoon sediments. Aquatic Botany 92: 14-22.
  • D’Auria G., Barón-Rodríguez, M,M, Durbán-Vicente, A., Moya, A., Rojo, C. Latorre, A. and Rodrigo, M.A. 2010. Unravelling the bacterial diversity found in the semi-arid Tablas de Daimiel National Park wetland (Central Spain). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 59:33-44