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Job Market of the Master’s Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance

  • July 30th, 2015

The Master’s Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance has a job bank to which the companies that search for students with specific training in the subjects of the master’s degree can resort. The usual profile is financial and fund managing institutions, especially for their departments of risk or portfolio management, management of financial services companies and consultancy.

Like in previous editions, along XIII Workshop on Banking and Quantitative Finance (6-8 July 2015, Madrid) a job market has been carried out were some companies had the chance to interview the students of the second year of the Master’s Degree. Five students were hired during these sessions. According to the data of the Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree, on 30 July 2013, 13 students of the class of 2014-2015 have found a job connected with the training received during the Master’s Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance.