UVCulturaExtensió UniversitàriaUniversitat de València Logo del portal


  • The Principal, or the person he or she delegates, who chairs it.
  • The Director of the Service, who serves as the Secretary.
  • A faculty member and researcher from each Faculty, University School and College.
  • A student from each Faculty, University School and College.
  • A member of the administrative and service staff from each Faculty, University School and College and another member from the Central Services.

Members of the University Extension Committee will be elected under the Internal Regulations of the respective Centres and Services.

Approved by the Governing Council on 17th September 1986.



  • Reporting of the proposals for the University Extension Courses, which are referred to the Governing Council of the University of Valencia (those courses presented for the first time) and to the Principal (those courses already approved without modifications in the previous years) for its approval and recognition as free elective credits.
  • Reporting of the proposals for one-off activities to be referred to the Governing Council of the University of Valencia for its approval and recognition as free elective credits.