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Mr. Andrea Pescino

  • 16 de novembre de 2022
Mr. Andrea Pescino
Mr. Andrea Pescino

Partner and Founder StratejAI and member of the Partner Advisory Council (PAC) of Microsoft Corporation.

Andrea Pescino is a mathematician and an AI & digital technology expert. He has been working on digital transformation projects for last 30 years and focusing on cognitive computing, Internet of things, Smart Working, Big Data Analytics and Cloud Transformation. He has founded several consulting companies operating in this field and has worked in tight connections with leading technology companies. In 2010 Mr. Pescino joined the EMEA board of IAMCP (International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners) and is a Member of the Partner Advisory Council (PAC) of Microsoft Corporation in Redmond as an expert on Cloud Computing, Data & Digital Transformation. His vision of technology and his expertise in the field of Data & Machine Learning led him to founding Digital Tree, an initiative developed with the municipality of Genoa, Liguria Regional government, Microsoft and the University of Genoa, to foster the development of competencies in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

He has worked in several projects for the European Commission and other multi-lateral organizations, including some lighthouse projects on the use of data and artificial intelligence. Regarding data in the Healthcare space, he has worked on the analysis of pandemic data in Italy, Kenya and Pakistan, he has defined an AI model to obtain early diagnosis of Chronical Kidney Disease (CKD), has worked on modern approaches like data collaboratives for cardiovascular (AI4BetterHearts) and Gastric Cancer (Carecol), he also contribute to create model for patient reported outcomes to structure value-driven healthcare models for Chron’s and colitis. Recently he became a member of the healthcare committee of Gaia-X.

He is a founder and an active promoter of the Healthcare Data Innovation Council (https://healthdatainnovation.eu/) a partnership of healthcare actors (Clinical, Patients, Researchers, Pharma and Medtech companies) aiming to progress regulatory frameworks and advance privacy preserving technologies for data sharing and usage in the industry.


Mr. Andrea Pescino
Mr. Andrea Pescino