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Ms. Mar España Martí

  • 16 de novembre de 2022

Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).

Mar España Martí holds a University Degree in Law from the ICADE (Pontifical University of Comillas), is University Expert in management of not-for-profit entities (Luis Vives Foundation), holds a Masters on International Protection of Human Rights (University of Alcalá de Henares – Madrid), and Master in Mindfulness and research in health contexts (Complutense University). She was General Secretary of the Institute of Women, General Secretary of the Spanish Ombudsman and Vice Minister of Presidency and Public Administrations in the Regional Government of Castilla La Mancha. She was appointed Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency in July 2015.

Since 1989, she is a civil servant of the Spanish General Administration, as member of the Upper Corps of Civil State Managers. She has also been involved in academic activities, participating as lecturer, among others, in the Master on International Protection of Human Rights at Alcalá de Henares University and in the Master on Political Action, at Madrid’s Rey Juan Carlos University.


Mar España Martí
Ms. Mar España Martí