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Services Rates applicable to intern users (euros/unit)
Non-consanguineous rat 250 gr 8,16
Non-consanguineous rat 50-70 gr 5,57
Non-consanguineous mouse 1,94
Month maintenance rat 2,44
Month maintenance mouse 0,91
Mouse single cage month maintenance 2,74
Rat single cage month maintenance 7,32
Month maintenance rabbit 10,37
Month maintenance hamster 2,44
Month maintenance pig 50,00
Month maintenance mini-insulating mouse 8,23
Rat-mouse fodder maintenance kg 2,90
Rabbit fodder maintenance kg 1,8
Sawdust bag 24,41
Operating room (agreement and external staff) euros/hour 73,09
Operating room attendance euros/hour/technician 19,73
Other animals, medicines... and materials acquired in commercial establishments Cost

These prices will increase 25% for external users.