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The Universitat de València gives to Potries the restored work of the Divina Pastora

  • Press Office
  • May 2nd, 2019
Image de la noticia

The Universitat de València delivers today Tuesday (2nd May) to the municipality of Potries (La Safor) the restored work of the Divina Pastora. The work has been in charge of Professor María Gómez to the laboratory of the Department of Art History of the Universitat. María Gómez is the professor who the rector, Mavi Mestre, has offered to collaborate in the restoration of the burned work of Notre Dame, Paris.

The Divina Pastora of Potries is an image of devotion that was very deteriorated and with a grotesque repaint. The Universitat has recovered the work in its entire splendor. Thus, the Religious Artistic Heritage of the town recovers a piece of great interest and affection for the inhabitants of the area.

Both the Dean of the Faculty of Geography and History, Josep Montesinos, as the restorer will be this afternoon, at 6 p.m., at the Fonda d'Entitats, and they will explain the processes carried out.