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The general objective of this doctoral programme is to configure a multidisciplinary academic space around the study of public social welfare policies from the perspective of sociology and anthropology, social work, law, medicine, psychology, technology, economics, political science and education. But this new doctorate would not only contribute to increasing scientific knowledge in the fields it covers, but would also facilitate transfer processes towards society, administration and the market in order to respond to the priorities and new challenges of national and international public policies. The programme responds to the social demand for public policies based on contrasted and transparent criteria, which require a high level of specialisation and training for all those who participate in their design, implementation and evaluation process. There is growing social, economic, media and academic interest in public policy, which has become a vitally important element in the paradigm shift in which we are immersed. There is a growing need for critical knowledge about public policy linked to social welfare, and in particular to social protection systems, in order to assess its progress, achievements, risks, limitations and social impact. In short, this PhD programme highlights the fact that public policy is today one of the cornerstones of our societies, playing an essential role in all spheres that directly affect citizens.