The Water Economics Group of the University of Valencia (UV) analyses from this June the viability and sustainability of innovative projects of circular economy – the one that involves converting waste into new resources – in such relevant sectors such as pharmaceuticals and textiles in Euro-Mediterranean countries. The research is part of the European project TRUST, belonging to the PRIMA program, focused on developing and implementing solutions for agricultural systems, food and water resources in the Mediterranean basin.
The work of UV researchers will focus on analysing the economic, social and environmental viability of the project, as well as developing a business plan that will ensure its future sustainability. It will also address the efficiency in the management, treatment and reuse of wastewater from the textile and pharmaceutical industry in order to avoid pollution problems and help mitigate the scarcity of water resources so common in many countries of the Mediterranean Area.
Francesc Hernández, professor at the UV and director of the Chair of Transformation of the GVA-UV Economic Model, represents the University of Valencia as the only Spanish institution that participates in this ambitious project that has 14 partners from 6 countries.
The multidisciplinary work team is made up of researchers from the Water Economics Group and the GVA-UV Chair and will use a mathematical methodology to quantify the social and environmental benefits derived from the proposed actions, create and implement optimal water reuse management strategies with the participation of industries and public authorities within the framework of a business model with a regional perspective.
The European project TRUST is endowed with 2 million Euros for a period of 3 years and is part of the prestigious research program of the Association for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA for the acronym in English). It is a joint program in which 19 Euro-Mediterranean countries, 11 from the European Union and 8 non-member countries participate.
UV Water Economics Group
The Water Economics Group of the University of Valencia, led by Francesc Hernández, has been dedicated to research and development of projects in the circular economy for more than 15 years, especially in the water sector. It is formed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers-doctors with extensive experience in the design of tools to support the management of water resources and the implementation of economically and environmentally viable projects in the field of the circular economy.
The group of specialists has also developed an innovative methodology for risk analysis and monetary quantification of social and environmental benefits in the field of reuse and improvement of water infrastructure.
UV Water Economy Group: http://www.economiadelagua.com/