The objectives of the Chair of Transformation of the Economic Model: Circular Economy in the Water Sector of the University of Valencia, created in 2018 with the collaboration of Conselleria d'Hisenda i Model Econòmic, are to study, knowledge promotion and dissemination of topics related to the circular perspective of the Economy and water resources, in the framework of the transformation of the current economic model of the Valencian Community towards another based on innovation, knowledge, and sustainability from an environmental, productive and social point of view.
It is known that in recent decades, the scarcity of a basic resource such as water is being accentuated in many territorial areas such as the Valencian Community. This has serious effects on our environment and our economy. For this reason, in addition to adopting water efficiency measures, it is appropriate to address the reuse of treated wastewater as a safe and viable means of increasing the water supply by reducing pressure on already exploited water resources.
It is necessary to reconsider our traditional approach to water consumption in order to adopt new strategies that allow this vital resource to be reused as much as possible. This paradigm shift implies moving towards a circular economy approach in which wastewater is no longer seen as waste, but as a valuable resource in a context of water scarcity. A combination of regulations, incentives and the intervention of all the actors involved will be key to transforming the criteria of water resources management.
In turn, the reuse of water in agriculture also contributes to the recycling of nutrients by promoting a lower use of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, the promotion of the treated wastewater reuse sector should have a special role in the circular economy.