In 2015, the European Union defined the Circular Economy as a priority area of work that required a transversal application in all its policies. During the 2018-2020 period, the EU slogan has been “connecting environmental and economic benefits through the Circular Economy”. The main objectives, achievements and future work areas of Circular Economy are defined in the report of the same issue published in the year 2,017.
Both the structural funds of the EU and many others have come to incorporate the Circular Economy (EC) as a key issue and have opened many calls in which it is a priority. The practical workshop on November 20 gave an overview of what the EU understands by EC and how initiatives should be focused towards financing. Secondly, the different EU funds were presented where EC-based projects have a place, from basic laboratory research projects (H2020), through environmental projects (LIFE) to other Good Practices (Interreg) and training on CD (Erasmus +). Finally, a basic system for structuring ideas was shown and some tips were given on project formulation for its presentation in European financing programs.
You’ll find below some links of interest to institutions, organizations and companies interested in presenting, in the best possible conditions, such proposals: