The University of Valencia (UV) is an active part of the collaboration that has allowed the inn to function as the Xarxa de Càtedres de Transformació del Model Econòmic, promoted by the Conselleria d’Hisenda i Model Econòmic de la Generalitat Valenciana. A xarxa that brings together the five Valencian public universities.
In the case of the UV, the research work is centered on the circular economy, “which must be the engine of the transformation of our economic model and demonstrate its potentiality”, highlights Francesc Hernández, director of the Chair. Specifically, Hernández has recalled that “he has a reference to the application of the water sector, of enormous importance to society and that it shows how few potentiality of the circular economy”.
Hernández has also shown his will “thanks to our website and social media, that we can share our researches and activities, achieving the collaboration of the public and private sphere to reinforce this transforming role of the circular economy to our productive model”.
VIDEO: The UV and the rest of the Valencian public universities work in a network for a new economic model
- December 10th, 2020