Universitat de ValènciaGeneral FoundationLa Nau Menuda Logo del portal

Termination and cancellation


The Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, approving the consolidated text of the General Consumer and User Protection Act and other complementary laws, establishes that the user has the right to terminate the registration within 14 calendar days, subject to the exceptions established by law. Registration may be terminated without further justification or penalty.

In order to exercise the right to terminate the registration, the decision must be notified by a statement sent via email to nau.menuda@uv.es or naujove@uv.es, or by filling in the following electronic form.

We will notify the interested person by email that the termination notice has been received.

In order to comply with the cancellation period, the user may send the notice of exercise of this right up until the deadline (14 calendar days from the day following the registration).


Consequences of termination

If the registration is terminated, we will refund all the payments received promptly. The refund will be paid by bank transfer.



Once the legal period of termination has expired, the user may request the cancellation of the registration by sending an email to nau.menuda@uv.es. If the registration is cancelled on or before 14 June 2024, a penalty of 50% of the registration fee will apply. After this date, no registration cancellations with refunds will be accepted, except in extenuating circumstances, provided that they are justified with accredited documentation.

No refunds will be made for the Summer School fees or the canteen fees for the days that the participant chooses not to attend.


For more information, please refer to the legal conditions.