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General information

  • TARGET GROUP: Participants born between 2008 and 2011
  • DATES: 1 to 31 July 2024
  • REGISTRATION VIA THE UV ONLINE OFFICE: If you are not a member of the university community, you must create a UV Online Office account.
  • DROP-OFF TIME: between 8:00 and 8:30am
  • PICK-UP TIME: between 2:00 and 3:00pm
  • MINIBUS SERVICE: There is a bus service available to transport the participants from the Blasco Ibáñez Campus to the Tarongers Campus (and vice versa). There will also be a bus service beteween the Burjassot-Paterna Campus and the Tarongers Campus. Places will be assigned in order of registration.


  • Participants can be picked up by the persons listed in the registration form or by persons specifically authorised by an authorisation form (which can be submitted after the registration). Participants may also choose to arrive and go home on their own.
  • For security reasons, the Summer School team may ask for ID when picking up the participant during the first week – or whenever considered necessary. We kindly ask for your cooperation to ensure the safety of the participants.


In addition to the authorisations submitted along with the registration documents, the following may be requested:

  • authorisation for participant pick-up
  • authorisation for participants to leave alone
  • general communication form

Participants must bring with them each day:

  • morning snack and water (preferably in a lunch box)
  • comfortable shoes and clothing

We strongly recommend that participants apply sunscreen before leaving home.

The Summer School provides:

  • a T-shirt
  • materials for the activities