Universitat de ValènciaGeneral FoundationLa Nau Menuda Logo del portal

General information

  • TARGET GROUP: Participants born between 2012 and 2019 (from 2nd year of preschool to 6th primary school).
  • DATES:1 to 31 July 2024
  • REGISTRATION VIA THE UV ONLINE OFFICE:If you are not a member of the university community, you must create a UV Online Office account.
  • DROP-OFF TIME: between 8:00 and 8:30am
  • PICK-UP TIME: between 2:00 and 3:00pm
  • TARONGERS-BLASCO IBÁÑEZ MINIBUS: There is a bus service available to transport the participants of the Nau Menuda from the Tarongers Campus to the Blasco Ibáñez Campus and vice versa.

Who is allowed to pick up the participants?

  • persons listed in the registration form
  • persons specifically authorised by an authorisation form (the authorisation form can be requested at the different Summer School locations or by email)

We kindly ask for your cooperation to ensure the safety of the participants. At the time of pick up, the Summer School team is required to ask for ID.

For organisational reasons, participants must be picked up at either the designated pick-up location or at the canteen, if they have paid for the canteen service.

Participants must bring with them each day:

  • morning snack and water (preferably in a lunch box)
  • comfortable shoes and clothing, Nau Menuda T-shirt and cap

We strongly recommend that participants apply sunscreen before leaving home.

Please avoid bringing: Mobile phones, speakers, gaming consoles or any other electronic devices. Use of these devices negatively affects the planned activities. Their use is strictly prohibited.

The Summer School provides:

  • two T-shirts and a cap for each participant
  • materials for the activities