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By Vincenzo Consolo (dramatised reading)


Performing this play before its author was a privilege for the actors and the team. Thank you for this opportunity brought to us by Irene Romera. 



Ángela Bermúdez

Anna Marí

Edu Tormo

Francesc Barea

Isabel García

Jordi Oviedo

Josep Daniel Tormo

Josep Sornosa

Josep Vicent Valero

Laura Lara

Lorena Jiménez

Maria P. Bosch

Pau Pla

Xavier Molina


Technical team

Director Assistant: Maria P. Bosch

Director: Pep Sanchis



Consolo qualifies this small literary jewel as a cuntu, mashed with the golden threads of an archaic and pure language, of extreme beauty. It has the flavour, the rhythm, the colours, the tales passed from parents to children during the long winter nights, or this one, which Neapolitan cantastorie carried in their repertoires, singing in public squares, from town to town, from city to city. And, as in every tale, there is at least one protagonist who is magic, immortal, and who keeps and protects all the secrets: the Moon herself.