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Presentation of the Performing Arts Club

Head of the Club: Domingo Pujante Gonzalez

Since the days of El Búho in the 1930’s, university theatre has enjoyed a strong presence at the Universitat de València. With some iconic names in the theatre scene as José Sanchis Sinisterra, Antonio Díaz Zamora and many others, Valencian university theatre has been leading the Spanish university theatre by innovative and training productions.

The activity of the Performing Arts Club, its current name, began in 1985. In 1998, the Valencian Government awarded the Performing Arts Club with the Micalet Prize for the best non-professional contribution, after several nominations in previous years. The Cinema Club received this prize in recognition of its great participation in some activities always developed by the UV around the theatre practice.

The UV’s Performing Arts Club offers an academic year-term programme for both the university audience and general public. Performances took place in the Sala Palmireno for many years, but from the 2004-2005 academic year they were shifted to the Sala Matilde Salvador, the historic building of the UV. This is not only a leisure or entertainment activity, it is aimed at the formation of a theatre audience with criteria, from a university space for freedom of creation and expression.

Moreover, the Performing Arts Club also coordinates, together with the General Foundation of the Universitat de València, the training activities associated with ASSAIG, the theatre group of the Universitat de València. Training, maintenance and renewal of the group and its performances would be inconceivable without these activities.



Aula d´Arts Escèniques de la Universitat de València (Performing Arts Club of the Universitat de València)
C/Universitat, 2. 46003 València

E-mail: auladeteatre@uv.es

Phone: (+34) 963864846