10:00 - 14:00
José Martínez-Medina i la innovació artística a València
Es tracta de la primera exposició organitzada per l’Arxiu Valencià del Disseny que, en el marc de l’Any de la...
Course offerings on art and related subjects (2022-2023)
The Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València has published the new...
Disinformation and human rights (Online). Registration now open.
Disinformation is a phenomenon of growing interest in recent years, especially related to political and institutional events, such as elections of...
The Music Society of the Universitat de València organises the winter concert programme to be held in different venues of...
Programme of the Performing Arts Club
The Performing Arts Club of the Universitat de València has scheduled 15 performances, some of which are included in two cycles (Greek...
UV Collaboratory: CONCERTLAB. 2 ECTS Credits. Registration now open
AIMED AT: Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Universitat de València The aim is to broaden the competences of...
Death and the process of dying
Cultura als Campus Cycle: Death and the process of dying The aim of this thematic cycle is to explore in depth and debate on...